Distribution, occurence, emission and control of trace elements in typical Chinese coals / Junying Zhang [and others] -- New estimations of coal clarkes : world averages for trace element contents in coal / M.P. Ketris and Ya. E. Yudovich -- Fluorine in coal : a review / Ya. E. Yudovich and M.P. Ketris -- Note on rhenium in coal / Ya. E. Yudovich and M.P. Ketris -- State of the art of the prediction methods of ground movements (subsidence and sinkhole) for the mines in France / Marwan Al Heib -- Assessment of total nitrogen emissions from coal combustion in China / K.L. Luo [and others] -- Element content of lower Paleozoic stone-like coal in Daba Area in south Qinling Mountain, China / Luo Kunli -- Heavy minerals and high-temperature mineralogy in coal / Junying Zhang -- A quantification method of whole bulk coal x-ray patterns / S. Kalaitzidis [and others] -- Coal system concept and its application example in Fuxin Basin / Zhao Zhingxin, Wang Hua and Liu Junrong -- Energy sources and coal reserves in the Czech Republic at the beginning of the 21st century / Jiří Pešek -- The application of C7 light hydrocarbons technique to oil and condensate from type III organic matter / Ching-Tse Chang, Li-Hua Lin, and Cheng-Lung Kuo.
Coal geology is the study of a field that concentrates on the origin, occurring relationships and geological characteristics of coal and similarly treated rocks. This field is also involved in the study of coal-derived gases, fluids, both naturally occurring and man-made solid coal by-products. This book presents state-of-the art research from around the world.
Coal geology research progress.
Coal-- Geology.
Coal-- Research.
Charbon-- geologie.
Coal-- Geology.
Coal-- Research.
TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING-- Power Resources-- Fossil Fuels.