Includes bibliographical references (pages 225-249) and index.
Autonomy -- Autonomy -- The necessary conditions of autonomy -- The degrees of autonomy -- The value of autonomy -- The moral priority of children's development of autonomy -- Autonomy development -- Child development and the autonomy threshold -- Young adulthood and the signs of autonomy (the commencement of a life path) -- Adolescence and the building blocks of autonomy (the acquisition of self-efficacy skills) -- Childhood and the foundations of autonomy (the early pathways of development) -- Crippled autonomy development and state intervention -- Crippled autonomy development and the harm principle -- Crippled autonomy development and state intervention -- Possible types of state intervention -- Intervention in the family : a parental licensing model -- The proactive management of risks -- A model of parental licensing -- Compulsory contraception -- Intervention in the school : an educational justice standard -- The need for educational justice -- The educational justice standard (to support at least minimal autonomy, [greater than or equal to] AL3) -- Addendum : educational support for more than minimal autonomy ([greater than or equal to] AL4)? -- Conclusion.
In this theory of justice for children, Harry Adams takes the basic moral and political ideal of autonomy and shows what radical implications it has when applied to children and their development. Adams argues that it makes little sense to try to respect everyone's autonomy if enough attention hasn't been given to the ways that people do and do not develop autonomy in the first place, when they're young. Using the latest empirical research - from developmental psychology to population health and life course studies to primate ethnology and neurobiology - he explores how children develop different degrees of autonomy. Adams also discusses various public policies and programs that he feels any truly just society will have in place, in order to protect disadvantaged children's attainment of a minimal level of autonomy. He analyzes the ethical and practical appeals to, as well as the dangers and limits of, various family intervention programs, compulsory contraception programs, and early education programs, providing both a parental licensing model and an educational justice standard.