Introduction -- The price of war : the costs of the military industrial complex -- The call to arms : popaganda persuades the public to go to war -- Toying with war : conscripting children through war games -- War fever : Hollywood mobilizes support for the war on terror -- The war must go on : how pop culture legitimates the sacrifices of war -- Warrior nation : when war becomes a consumer lifestyle -- We support your war of terror : resisting militarism through satire -- Waging peace : culture jammers take resistance to the streets -- Conclusion.
Pop Culture Goes to War, by Geoff Martin and Erin Steuter, explores the persistence of militarism in American popular culture in the war on terror, from 9/11 to the present day. The authors detail the role of Hollywood and the entertainment industries in rallying both the troops and the public for war and show how toys, video games, music, and television support contemporary militarism. At the same time that popular culture is enlisting support for militarism, it is also serving as a major source ofresistance to the war on terror through the traditional mediums of music and movies, and increas.
Pop culture goes to war.
Militarism-- Social aspects-- United States-- History-- 21st century.
Military-industrial complex-- United States-- History-- 21st century.
Popular culture-- United States-- History-- 21st century.
War and society-- United States.
War in mass media.
War on Terrorism, 2001-2009-- Social aspects-- United States.
Militarism-- Social aspects.
Military policy.
Military-industrial complex.
POLITICAL SCIENCE-- Public Policy-- Cultural Policy.