Lemelson Center studies in invention and innovation
Includes bibliographical references (pages 183-188) and index.
""CONTENTS""; ""Preface""; ""Acknowledgments""; ""1 Introduction""; ""2 Origins, 1939�1957""; ""3 Highways and Airports, 1956�1964""; ""4 Systems Engineering in Tysons Corner, 1957�1969""; ""5 BDM and Its Brethren, 1964�1990""; ""6 Real Estate, Again, 1964�1990""; ""7 Internet Alley, 1985�2005""; ""8 Conclusion""; ""Appendix: List of Acronyms""; ""Selected Bibliography""; ""Notes""; ""Index""
How government military contractors and high-tech firms transformed an unincorporated suburban crossroads into the center of the world's Internet management and governance.