From Gulf War to Gulf War-years of security concern in immigration and asylum policies at European level -- The role and limits of the European Court of Human Rights in supervising state security and anti-terrorism measures affecting aliens' rights -- The response of the United Kingdom's legal and constitutional orders to the 1991 Gulf War and the post-9/11 'war' on terrorism -- Immigration, asylum, and terrorism: how do they interrelate in Germany? -- The changes in laws and immigration and asylum in France in response to terrorist fears -- The impact of terrorism on immigration and asylum law in the Netherlands -- Terrorism, asylum and immigration in Italian law.
This volume traces the developments in the laws and practices of the European Union and five of its Member States (the United Kingdom, Germany, France, the Netherlands, and Italy) at two points in time: first, at the time of the Gulf War following Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in August 2000; secondly, following the terrorist attacks in the United States on 11 September 2001. The focus is on the legal status of immigrants and asylum seekers and how that legal status is being modified on grounds of security-related measures adopted over a period of about ten years. Particularly, the question is whe.
Terrorism and the foreigner.
Aliens-- European Union countries.
Emigration and immigration law-- European Union countries.
Human rights-- European Union countries.
Terrorism-- European Union countries-- Prevention.
Terrorism-- European Union countries.
Community law.
Emigration and immigration law.
Emigration and immigration.
European Union.
Human rights.
Human rights.
Immigration law.
National security.
POLITICAL SCIENCE-- Political Freedom & Security-- Law Enforcement.