Four of the fifteen essays are revised versions of papers presented at a conference held at the University of Plymouth in September 1993.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
This book concentrates on two central questions that arise from research on the influence of schools on the developing values of young people. The first concerns the kind of values that inform the life of our schools. The second concerns the values which schools are justified in conveying to their pupils. These two questions occupy the first two parts of the book. The first part provides a variety of perspectives on the values that underpin contemporary education and draws heavily on current research. The second part argues the case for making certain groups of values central to contemporary education. The chapters in this part will offer new insights which are both authoritative and challenging. The final part offers more practical guidance on how values may be most effectively incorporated into the activities of the schools.
Education-- Aims and objectives, Congresses.
Education-- Political aspects, Congresses.
Moral education, Congresses.
Values-- Study and teaching, Congresses.
Éducation-- Finalités-- Congrès.
Éducation morale-- Congrès.
Politique et éducation-- Congrès.
Valeurs (Philosophie)-- Étude et enseignement-- Congrès.