1. Introduction : Why write a dissertation? ; The handbook -- 2. Starting : What is a dissertation? ; Selecting a dissertation subject ; Assessing a dissertation subject ; Choosing and working with a supervisor ; Writing a proposal -- 3. Researching : What is research? ; Historical and critical methodology ; Research techniques ; Libraries and archives ; The internet -- 4. Preparing : Structuring a dissertation ; Working methods ; Illustrations ; Referencing ; Bibliographies ; Plagiarism ; Submitting a draft ; Word-processing ; Alternative dissertations -- 5. Presenting : General presentation ; Illustrations ; Computer software ; Assessment criteria ; Oral examinations -- 6. Afterwards : Further research and study ; Publications ; Troubleshooting -- 7. Dissertation excerpts : The Barber-Surgeons' anatomy theatre / Susannah Bach -- Interrogating the Indian condition: some problems with the frameworks of architect Charles Correa / Megha Chand -- The production of the city as a white space: representing and restructuring identity and architecture, Cape Town, 1892-1936 (Ph. D.) / Nic Coetzer -- Investigation of a traders' route: analysis of the street edge which informs public space, with reference to the Indian city of Jaipur, Isfahan in Iran and Harare, Zimbabwe / Katherine Ewing -- A society in transition: the social and spatial production of the aged identity in the changing landscapes of care environments / Alvin Foo Tze Yang -- The architecture of omniscience: codes, grafts, and the representation of the work of Michael Sorkin / Alexander Franklin -- The museum of the museum / Paul Gardiner -- Word-robe: an investigation of the cupboard (as prompted by Lucy) / Olivia Gordon -- The blooming d'or / Robert Holford -- The charterhouse of Parkminster / Michael Levey -- Drawing on chance: indeterminacy, perception and design (Ph. D. by architectural design) / Yeoryia Manolopoulou -- This dream upon the water: the representation of a city in literature: Venice / Anna Radcliffe -- A speculative investigation into the sacred and aesthetic principles of Alexander 'Greek' Thomson's Architecture, with particular reference to St. Vincent Street Church / E.J. Taylor -- I'm astounded by people who want to 'know' the universe when it's hard enough to find your way around Chinatown: an essay in unsymbolisation / Huw Williams.
"The Dissertation is one of the most demanding yet potentially most stimulating components of an architectural course.
Architecture-- Research-- Methodology, Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Architecture-- Study and teaching (Graduate)-- United States, Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Dissertations, Academic-- United States-- Authorship, Handbooks, manuals, etc.