Includes bibliographical references (pages 265-267) and index.
Creating classrooms for learners, thinkers, and talkers -- Experiences in literacy throughout the day -- Units of study in a primary reading workshop -- Readers build good habits -- Readers use strategies to figure out words -- Readers think and talk about books to grow ideas -- Readers pursue their interests in books and other texts -- Readers make plans for their reading lives.
Primary-grade teachers face an important challenge: teaching children how to read while enabling them to build good habits so they fall in love with reading. Many teachers find the independent reading workshop to be the component of reading instruction that meets this challenge. In Growing Readers, Kathy Collins describes the structure of the independent reading workshop and other components of a balanced literacy program that work together to ensure young students grow into strong, well-rounded readers, and she outlines a sequence of possible units of study for a yearlong curriculum.