Front Cover; Preface; Contents; Contributors; 1. What We Know About Carcinomas of Unknown Primary Site (CUP) Almost for Sure: Incidence, Survival, and Necropsy Data; 2. Radiographic Studies, Endoscopy, and Serum Tumor Markers in the Diagnostic Evaluation of Carcinomas of Unknown Primary Site; 3. The Advent of Immunohistochemistry in Carcinoma of Unknown Primary Site: A Major Progress; 4. The Importance of Identifying CUP Subsets; 5. Role of Positron Emission Tomography with 18F-Fluorodesoxyglucose (PET-FDG) in the Care of Carcinomas of an Unknown Primary Site.
Filling a gap in the literature, this guide provides expert recommendations and research on carcinoma of an unknown primary site (CUP). Covering the identification, diagnosis, and management of CUP with illustrative and reader-friendly clinical case examples, this reference helps physicians treat patients whose primary cancer site is difficult to locate and assess.