Choice of the adequate sample material / Holger F. Rabenau, Reinhard B. Raggam, Helmut J.F. Salzer -- Stability of the specimen during preanalytics / Georg Endler, Georg Slavka -- Quality assurance and quality control in the routine molecular diagnostic laboratory / Reinhard B. Raggam, Harald H. Kessler, Holger F. Rabenau -- Extraction of nucleic acids / Harald H. Kessler -- Amplification and detection methods / Stephen A. Bustin, Harald H. Kessler -- Interpreting and reporting molecular diagnostic tests / Ranjini Valiathan, Deshratn Asthana -- Human immunodeficiency virus / Jacques Izopet -- Hepatitis viruses / Dieter Hoffmann, Korinna S. Nadas, Ulrike Protzer -- Pathogens relevant in transplantation medicine / Macro Ciotti, Harald H. Kessler -- Pathogens in lower respiratory tract infections / Margareta Ieven, Katherine Loens -- Molecular diagnosis of gastrointestinal pathogens / Corinne F.L. Amar -- Pathogens relevant in the central nervous system / Helene Peigue-Lafeuille -- Pathogens relevant in sexually transmitted infections / Suzanne M. Garland, Sepehr N. Tabrizi.
In a unique way, the laboratory professionalist's knowledge about the molecular diagnostics of infectious diseases is connected with the clinician's practical experience. The increasing prevalence of infectious diseases makes correct diagnosis, ordering the right tests, quality control and correct interpretation of the results even more important. The possible pathogens are discussed in the second part according to the specific symptoms or to where the infection is located in the body.