1. Who am I, and why the heck should you listen to me? -- 2. PR basics -- 3. Coming up with the off-the-wall idea, and making it stick -- 4. Coming up with and implementing the big idea: part one -- 5. Coming up with and implementing the big idea: part two -- 6. Coming up with and implementing the big idea: part three -- 7. Coming up with and implementing the big idea and what happens when it's too successful? -- 8. What happens when you lose your voice? -- 9. You don't have to run over someone to get press -- 10. What happens when your perfectly thought-out plan hits a snag? -- 11. Putting it all together -- 12. The resources section!
Chronicles some of the most ridiculous, outrageous and crazy PR stunts of all time. Wading through the silliness to get to the root of why some stunts work and some don't, the author offers a funny and insightful look at what it takes to win the game of Public Relations.