Pt. I. On the state of the art. 1. O'Goffe's tale / Rudolf Klein. 2. Social policy in the postmodem world / Ramesh Mishra -- Pt. II. Issues from Britain. 3. Developments in social security policy / Jonathan Bradshaw. 4. Encouraging home ownership / John Doling. 5. Privatism and partnership in urban policy / Nicholas Deakin. 6. Returner and retainer policies for women / Jaqi Nixon and Valerie Williamson -- Pt. III. Prospects for Europe. 7. Towards a European welfare state? / Stephan Leibfried. 8. The end of the middle way? / Arthur Gould. 9. Developments in East European social policy / Bob Deacon. 10. The Pacific challenge / Catherine Jones -- Pt. IV. On the state of the argument. 11. Bringing freedom back in / Richard Rose.
"New Perspectives on the Welfare State" examines the ideology of the welfare state and our present understanding of it, compares the welfare state in Europe with those elsewhere in the world, and investigates trends and prospects throughout Europe.