Prelims; Preface; Contents; Table of Abbreviations; Table of Cases; Table of Conventions; Table of Legislation; 1 Introduction; 2 The EIA Directive and Environmental Protection; 3 The ECJ and National Procedural Rules and Remedies; 4 The ECJ and the EIA Directive; 5 The EIA Directive in the Irish Courts; 6 Conclusion; Select Bibliography; Index.
This work is concerned with enforcement of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) directive in Ireland, and by extension, in the European Union more widely. As a case study it delves into the complex situation pertaining in Ireland. At a more general level it offers an up-to-date, theoretically rich and critically incisive examination of the enforcement of the EIA directive in Europe, with the main focus being on the role of the national courts in overseeing the correct application of the directive by the competent authorities via the judicial review process. The procedural requirements set.
Effective judicial protection and the environmental impact assessment directive in Ireland.
Environmental impact analysis-- Law and legislation-- European Union countries.
Environmental impact analysis-- Law and legislation-- Ireland.
Environmental impact analysis-- Law and legislation.