Pretest -- Capitalization -- Periods, Question Marks, and Exclamation Points -- Avoiding Faulty Sentences -- Commas and Sentence Parts -- Commas That Separate -- Semicolons and Colons -- Apostrophes and Dashes -- Quotation Marks -- "Designer" Punctuation -- Verb Tense -- Using Verbs to Create Strong Writing -- Subject-Verb Agreement -- Using Pronouns -- Problem Verbs and Pronouns -- Modifiers -- Easily Confused Word Pairs -- More Easily Confused Words -- Diction -- More Diction -- Communicating Your Ideas -- How to Prepare for a Test.
Provides an easy 20-step guide to improve writing skills. Each step takes just 20 minutes a day. Includes pre-test and post-test to pinpoint strengths and weaknesses and show progress. Features hundreds of exercises in test format, additional resources and tips for preparing for important standardized tests and free online practice reading exercises that allow you to receive immediate scoring and detailed answer explanations, as well as focus study with a customized diagnostic report.
Writing skills success in twenty minutes a day
Writing skills
English language-- Composition and exercises.
English language-- Grammar, Problems, exercises, etc.