Preface -- Acknowledgments -- What are publicity, promotions, and public relations, and why are they so important? -- Different strokes for different folks: how the genre and format of a book affect publicity, public relations, and promotions -- What is the media, and how does it work: focus on print -- What is the media, and how does it work: focus on broadcast -- Role of the book publicist -- Publicity process from nuts to bolts -- Different types of campaigns and how to choose the one that's best for you -- How to write the perfect press kit -- Secret art of media research -- Ins and outs of pitching media -- How to be an exciting interview for print, television, and radio -- Author tour -- Money perspective -- Beyond the boundaries of book publicity: the cross-promotional and ancillary picture -- Crisis management: what to do when something goes wrong -- When, why, and how to hire an outside publicist -- Using the internet as a publicity tool -- Appendix -- Index.
Overview: Written by one of the country's leading publicists, this is an authoritative, in-depth guide to the unique form of publicity needed to successfully launch a book. Step by step, readers are coached through the stages of a book's publicity lifecycle. The nuts and bolts of book promotion are covered for fiction, nonfiction, hardcover trade, mass market, and trade paperbacks.