Architecting a game AI / Bob Scott -- An efficient AI architecture using prioritized task categories / Alex W. McLean -- An architecture based on load balancing / Bob Alexander -- A simple inference engine for a rule-based architecture / Mike Christian -- Implementing a state machine language ; Enhancing a state machine language through Messaging / Steve Rabin -- Blackboard architectures / Damian Isla, Bruce Blumberg -- Introduction to Bayesian networks and reasoning under uncertainty / Paul Tozour -- A rule-based architecture using the Dempster-Shafer theory / François Dominic Laramée -- An optimized fuzzy logic architecture for decision-making / Thor Alexander -- A flexible goal-based planning architecture / John O'Brian -- First-person shooter AI architecture / Paul Tozour -- Architecting an RTS AI / Bob Scott -- An economic approach to goal-directed reasoning in an RTS / Vernon Harmon -- The basics of ranged weapon combat / Paul Tozour -- Level-of-detail AI for a large role-playing game / Mark Brockington -- A dynamic reputation system based on event knowledge / Greg Alt, Kristin King -- Representing a racetrack for the AI ; Racing AI logic ; Training an AI to race / Gari Biasillo -- Competitive AI racing under open street conditions / Joseph C. Adzima -- Camera AI for replays ; Simulating real animal behavior / Sandeep V. Kharkar -- Agent cooperation for FSMs for baseball / P.J. Snavely -- Intercepting a ball / Noah Stein -- Scripting : overview and code generation ; Scripting : the interpreter engine ; Scripting : system integration / Lee Berger -- Creating scripting languages for nonprogrammers / Falko Poiker -- Scripting for undefined circumstances / Jonty Barnes, Jason Hutchens -- The perils of AI scripting / Paul Tozour -- How not to implement a basic scripting language / Mark Brockington, Mark Darrah -- Learning and adaptation / John Manslow -- Varieties of learning / Richard Evans -- GoCap : game observation capture / Thor Alexander -- Pattern recognition with sequential prediction / Fri Mommersteeg -- Using n-gram statistical models to predict player behavior / François Dominic Laramée -- Practical natural language learning / Jason Hutchens, Jonty Barnes -- Testing undefined behavior as a result of learning / Jonty Barnes, Jason Hutchens -- Imitating random variations in behavior using a neural network / John Manslow -- Genetic algorithms evolving the perfect troll / François Dominic Laramée -- The dark art of neural networks / Alex J. Champandard.
The evolution of game AI / Paul Tozour -- The illusion of intelligence / Bob Scott -- Solving the right problem / Neil Kirby -- 12 tips from the trenches / Jeff Orkin -- Building an AI diagnostic toolset / Paul Tozour -- A general-purpose trigger system ; A data-driven architecture for animation selection ; Realistic character behavior with prioritized, categorized animation / Jeff Orkin -- Designing a GUI tool to aid in the development of finite-state machines / Phil Carlisle -- The beauty of response curves / Bob Alexander -- Simple and efficient line-of-sight for 3D landscapes / Tom Vykruta -- An open-source fuzzy logic library / Michael Zarozinski -- Basic A* pathfinding made simple / James Matthews -- Generic A* pathfinding ; Pathfinding design architecture ; How to achieve lightning-fast A* / Dan Higgins -- Practical optimizations for A* path generation / Timothy Cain -- Simple, cheap pathfinding / Mike Mika, Chris Charla -- Preprocessed solution for open terrain navigation / Smith Surasmith -- Building a near-optimal navigation mesh / Paul Tozour -- Realistic turning between waypoints / Marco Pinter -- Navigating doors, elevators, lodges, and other obstacles / John Hancock -- Simple swarms as an alternative to flocking / Tom Scutt -- Strategic and tactical reasoning with waypoints / Lars Lidén -- Recognizing strategic dispositions : engaging the enemy / Steven Woodcock -- Squad tactics : team AI and emergent maneuvers ; Squad tactics : planned maneuvers / William van der Sterren -- Tactical team AI using a command hierarchy / John Reynolds -- Formations / Chad Dawson.
System requirements for accompanying CD-ROM: Windows 95 or Windows NT4 or later.