Includes bibliographical references (pages 182-186) and index.
COVER -- CONTENTS -- PREFACE -- CHAPTER 1: THE FREEDOM TO DRIVE -- DRIVING 8212; A RIGHT OR A PRIVILEGE? -- DEALING WITH THE THREAT OF LOSING YOUR DRIVING PRIVILEGES -- LOW VISION AND ITS CONSEQUENCES -- Disorder -- Impairment -- Disability -- Handicap -- GETTING SOME STRAIGHT ANSWERS FROM YOURSELF AND FROM THE PROFESSIONALS -- CHAPTER 2: VISION AND DRIVING 8212; FACTS AND FICTION -- SIFTING FACTS FROM MYTHS -- What happens to vision as you age? -- Driving-affecting visual/perceptual functions -- Visually impaired people can drive 8212; safely -- A focus on visual acuity -- Peripheral vision/visual field -- Color vision and driving -- Contrast sensitivity -- The glaring dangers of glare -- Useful field of view -- How to look at visual screening tests -- Would/Should your eye doctor report your condition to your state-licensing agency? -- CHAPTER 3: THE MEDICAL SIDE OF LOW VISION -- THE EYE -- How does the eye work? -- EYE DISEASES THAT AFFECT YOUR VISION -- Cataract -- Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) -- Glaucoma -- Diabetic Retinopathy -- Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP) -- Optic Atrophy -- Corneal Dystrophy -- Stroke (Hemianopia) -- CHAPTER 4: THINKING ABOUT DRIVING -- MAKING AN INFORMED DECISION -- A QUICK SELF-TESTING QUESTIONNAIRE -- How to interpret your answers -- WHAT DO YOU NEED TO KNOW? -- Know your medical condition -- Know the law and your legal status -- Know the latest technical developments in low vision -- Know who plays a role -- MAKING A DECISION -- CHAPTER 5: GETTING READY TO DRIVE -- ACTING ON YOUR DECISION -- Getting the right vision aid(s) -- Finding a qualified driving instructor -- Getting used to the new vision aid -- CHAPTER 6: LEARNING TO DRIVE -- A STRUCTURED APPROACH TO LOW VISION DRIVERS TRAINING -- Establish a solid training program -- Learn to use your vision aid -- Training at home -- Training on the road -- Study for and pass the written tests -- CHAPTER 7: ON THE ROAD 8212; DRIVING WITH LOW VISION -- THE REALITIES OF LOW VISION DRIVING -- Acquiring the habits of good driving -- 19 commandments of the safe driver -- CHAPTER 8: IF ALL ELSE FAILS 8212; HOW TO GET WHERE YOU WANT WITHOUT A CAR -- LIVING WITHOUT A CAR -- Identifying your transportation needs -- Combining trips and tasks -- Finding and utilizing available transportation resources -- Paying for your transportation -- Scheduling -- Pooling -- CHAPTER 9: CONCLUSION 8212; DARING TO SUCCEED -- MAKING AN INFORMED DECISION -- APPENDIX A: FEDERAL LEGISLATION -- THE REHABILITATION ACT -- How is the law interpreted? -- THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA), OF 1990 -- APPENDIX B: INFORMATION/AID SOURCES -- APPENDIX C: TERMS YOU SHOULD KNOW -- LOW VISION -- LEGAL BLINDNESS -- LOW VISION AIDS -- LOW VISION DRIVERS TRAINERS -- MOBILITY TRAINERS/INSTRUCTORS -- VISUAL SCREENING TESTS -- VALID DRIVERS LICENSE -- RESTRICTED LICENSE -- GLARE CONTROL -- Night glare -- Daylight glare (solar glare) -- APPENDIX D: LOW VISION DRIVING AIDS -- BIOPTIC TELESCOPES 8212; TYPES -- Galilean telescopes -- Keplerian telescopes -- Advantages -- Disadvantages -- BIOPTIC TELESCOPES 8212; BRANDS/MAKES -- Designs for Vision In.
Millions of people, in the US and other parts of the world, face the grim prospect of losing their driving privileges, their mobility, and to a great extent their freedom, due to a deterioration in their eyesight or a disabling eye disease. Driving with Confidence is an empowering tool. Its message is simple: In many cases, people with low vision can and do receive, retain and safely exercise their driving privileges.
Driving with confidence.
Automobile drivers with disabilities.
Automobile driving-- Physiological aspects.
Low vision.
Older automobile drivers.
People with visual disabilities-- Orientation and mobility.
Automobile drivers with disabilities.
Automobile drivers with disabilities.
Automobile driving-- Physiological aspects.
Automobile driving-- Physiological aspects.
EDUCATION-- Driver Education.
Low vision.
Low vision.
Older automobile drivers.
Older automobile drivers.
People with visual disabilities-- Orientation and mobiility.
People with visual disabilities-- Orientation and mobility.