Valuing and conserving vernal pools as small-scale ecosystems / Malcolm L. Hunter, Jr. -- Physical Setting: Classification, Hydrology, ansd Identification. Classification of vernal pools: geomorphic setting and distribution / Richard D. Rheinhardt and Garrett G. Hollands -- Hydrology and landscape connectivity of vernal pools / Scott G. Leibowitz and Robert T. Brooks -- Remote and field identification of vernal pools / Matthew R. Burne and Richard G. Lathrop, Jr. -- Biological Setting: Principal Flora and Fauna. Flora of northeastern vernal pools / Andrew Cutko and Thomas J. Rawinski -- Diversity and ecology of vernal pool invertebrates / Elizabeth A. Colburn, Stephen C. Weeks, and Sadie K. Reed -- Ecology and conservation of pool-breeding amphibians / Raymond D. Semlitsch and David K. Skelly -- Population and genetic linkages of vernal pool-associated amphibians / James P. Gibbs and J. Michael Reed -- Importance of vernal pools to reptiles, birds, and mammals / Joseph C. Mitchell, Peter W.C. Paton, and Christopher J. Raithel -- Conserving Vernal Pools in Human-Modified Landscapes. Vernal pool conservation policy: the federal, state, and local context / Wende S. Mahaney and Michael W. Klemens -- Chemical contamination of vernal pools / Michelle D. Boone and Bruce D. Pauli -- Conserving vernal pool wildlife in urbanizing landscapes / Bryan Windmiller and Aram J.K. Calhoun -- Conserving vernal pool amphibians in managed forests / Phillip G. deMaynadier and Jeffrey E. Houlahan -- Spatial tools for conserving pool-breeding amphibians: an application of the landscape species approach / Robert F. Baldwin, Kathleen P. Bell, and Eric. W. Sanderson -- Vernal pools as outdoor laboratories for educators and students / Hank J. Gruner and Richard D. Haley -- Conserving vernal pool habitat through community based conservation / Aram J.K. Calhoun and Patti Reilly.
The most at-risk wetland type in North America are those labeled as isolated. This book presents current information on this unique type of wetland and related issues, acknowledging the idea that regulatory decisions must ultimately address the wetlands as integral parts of forested ecosystems. A resource for conservation advocates, this book synthesizes decades of research on the tools needed to conserve these ecosystems. Acknowledging the physical and biological connections between upland and aquatic systems, the authors provide a landscape-scale approach to conservation that is equally applicable to all isolated wetlands.
Vernal pool ecology-- Canada, Eastern.
Vernal pool ecology-- Northeastern States.
Vernal pools-- Canada, Eastern.
Vernal pools-- Northeastern States.
Écologie des étangs temporaires de printemps-- Canada (Est)
Écologie des étangs temporaires de printemps-- États-Unis (Nord-Est)
Étangs temporaires de printemps-- Canada (Est)
Étangs temporaires de printemps-- États-Unis (Nord-Est)