Includes bibliographical references (pages 820-898) and indexes.
Section 2. Socio-Technical Perspectives -- Prologue -- 8. Privacy and the Identity Gap in Socio-Technical Systems -- 9. Privacy Regulation in the Metaverse -- 10. Leadership of Integrated Teams in Virtual Environments -- 11. Recontextualising Technology in Appropriation Processes -- 12. Explaining Participation in Online Communities -- 13. Cyber Security and Anti-Social Networking -- 14. Emerging Cybercrime Variants in the Socio-Technical Space -- 15. Developing Innovative Practice in Service Industries.
Section 3. Socio-Technical Analysis -- Prologue -- 16. Using Communication Norms in Socio-Technical Systems -- 17. Socio-Instrumental Pragmatism in Action -- 18. A Framework for Using Analytics to Make Decisions -- 19. The Challenges of Co-Design and the Case of e-Me -- 20. Formal Analysis of Workflows in Software Development -- 21. The Role of Expectations in Information Systems Development -- 22. Building a Path for Future Communities.
Section 4. Socio-Technical Design -- Prologue -- 23. Systems Design with the Socio-Technical Walkthrough -- 24. Applied Pragmatism and Interaction Design -- 25. A Social Framework for Software Architectural Design -- 26. Designing for Trust -- 27. Pattern Languages for CMC design -- 28. Creating Social Technologies to Assist and Understand Social Interactions -- 29. A Modern Socio-Technical View on ERP-Systems -- 30. Being Face to Face: A State of Mind or Technological Design.
Section 5. Socio-Technical Implementation -- Prologue -- 33. Augmenting Actual Life Through MUVEs -- 34. The Role of Affect in an Agent-Based Collaborative E-Learning System Used for Engineering Education -- 35. Gaze-Aided Human-Computer and Human-Human Dialogue -- 36. How to Engage Users in Online Sociability -- 37. Socio-Technical Systems and Knowledge Representation -- 38. Social Support for Online Learning -- 39. Enabling Remote Participation in Research.
Section 6. Socio-Technical Evaluation -- Prologue -- 40. Community Collective Efficacy -- 41. An Analysis of the Socio-Technical Gap in Social Networking Sites -- 42. Situational Awareness In Collaborative Working Environments -- 43. A Scale of Affective Satisfaction in Online Learning Communities -- 44. Assessing the Social Network Health of Virtual Communities -- 45. Situated Evaluation of Socio-Technical Systems -- 46. Cultural Appropriation of Software Design and Evaluation.
Section 7. The Future of Socio-Technical Systems -- Prologue -- 47. Resolving Wicked Problems through Collaboration -- 48. The Myth of the e-Commerce Serf to Sovereign Powershift -- 49. Teaching the Socio-Technical Practices of Tomorrow Today -- 50. Socio-Technical Communities: From Informal to Formal -- 51. Future Living in a Participatory Way -- 52. The Impact of Communications Technology on Trust -- 53. Good and Evil in the Garden of Emerging Information Technologies -- Compilation of References.
Vol. 1. Section 1. General Socio-Technical Theory -- Prologue -- 1. The Social Requirements of Technical Systems -- 2. The Social Study of Computer Science -- 3. Virtual Collaboration and Community -- 4. The Social Derivation of Technical Systems -- 5. Socio-Technical Theory and Work Systems in the Information Age -- 6. An Engagement Strategy for Community Network Research and Design -- 7. On the Alignment of Organizational and Software Structure.
Vol. 2. -- 31. Applying Bourdieu to eBay's Success and Socio-Technical Design -- 32. Relationships and Etiquette with Technical Systems.
"Every day throughout the world, people use computers to socialize in ways previously thought impossible such as e-mail, chat, and social networks due to emergences in technology. This book provides a state-of-the-art summary of knowledge in this evolving, multi-disciplinary field"--Provided by publisher.
Socio-technical design and social networking systems