Foreword; Contents; List of Abbreviations; 1 The USSFTA: A Personal Perspective Tommy T.B. Koh; 2 The USSFTA: Personal Perspectives on the Process and Results Ralph F. Ives; 3 Lessons from the USSFTA Negotiations Ong Ye Kung; 4 The USSFTA: Socio-Political Context Franklin L. Lavin; 5 The A to Z of the USSFTA William Choong; 6 The Goods Package Rossman Ithnain; 7 Customs Administration Lim Teck Leong; 8 Textiles and Apparel Ng Kim Neo; 9 Telecommunications and Electronic Commerce Valerie D'Costa; 10 Financial Services and Capital Controls Ravi Menon; 11 Competition Policy Minn Naing Oo.
On 1 January 2004, the USSingapore Free Trade Agreement (USSFTA)came into force. The USSFTA was the result of a two-year negotiationprocess which started towards the end of the Clinton Administrationand concluded under the Bush Administration. How did the negotiationprocess straddle the two administrations? What is the rationale forthe FTA? What were the unique features of the negotiating process? Wasnegotiating with the US different from negotiating with othercountries? How will the FTA benefit the two countries? What is theimpact on ASEAN, APEC and the WTO?This book captures some of the per.
Library of Congress -- Jakarta Overseas Office
United States Singapore Free Trade Agreement.
Free Trade Agreement
Free trade-- Singapore.
Free trade-- United States.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS-- Exports & Imports.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS-- International-- General.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS-- International-- Marketing.
Free trade.
International economic relations.
POLITICAL SCIENCE-- International Relations-- Trade & Tariffs.
Singapore, Foreign economic relations, United States.
United States, Foreign economic relations, Singapore.