Woodhead Publishing in food science, technology and nutrition
Includes bibliographical references and index.
pt. 1. Principles of industrial enzyme technology -- pt. 2. Novel enzyme technology for food applications.
The food industry is constantly seeking advanced technologies to meet consumer demand for nutritionally balanced food products. Enzymes are a useful biotechnological processing tool whose action can be controlled in the food matrix to produce higher quality products. Written by an international team of contributors, Novel enzyme technology for food applications reviews the latest advanced methods to develop specific enzymes and their applications. Part one discusses fundamental aspects of industrial enzyme technology. Chapters cover the discovery, improvement and production of enzymes as well as consumer attitudes towards the technology. Chapters in Part two discuss enzyme technology for specific food applications such as textural improvement, protein-based fat replacers, flavour enhancers, and health-functional carbohydrates. Novel enzyme technology for food applications is a standard reference for all those in industry and academia concerned with improving food products with this advanced technology. Reviews the latest advanced methods to develop specific enzymesDiscusses ways of producing higher quality food productsExplores the improvement and production of enzymes.