Includes bibliographical references (pages 277-281) and index.
LAGRANGIAN QUANTUM FIELD THEORYIN MOMENTUM PICTURE. FREE FIELDS; NOTICE TO THE READER; Contents; List of Conventions; Preface; Acknowledgments; Lagrangian Formalism andthe Momentum Picture; 1. Introduction; 2. Lagrangian Formalism; 3. Derivatives Relative to Operatorsand Lagrangian Formalism; 4. Heisenberg Relations; 5. The Momentum Picture ofMotion; 6. General Aspects of Lagrangian Formalismin Momentum Picture; 7. On the Momentum Representation andParticle Interpretation; 8. The Momentum Picture as 4-Dimensional Analogue ofthe Schr odinger One; 9. Conclusion; Free Scalar Fields.
1. IntroductionII. A. Neutral Scalar Fields; 2. Description of Free Neutral Scalar Fieldin Momentum Picture; 3. Analysis of the Klein-Gordon Equation; 4. Frequency Decompositions and Their PhysicalMeaning; 5. The Klein-Gordon Equations in Terms ofCreation and Annihilation Operators; 6. Commutation Relations; 7. Vacuum and Normal Ordering; 8. State Vectors and Transitions between Them; II. B. Arbitrary Scalar Fields; 9. Description of Free Scalar Field; 10. Analysis of the Field Equations; 11. Frequency Decompositions and Their PhysicalMeaning.
10.1. Problems in the Massless CaseConjecture 10.2.; Conjecture 10.3.; 11. On the Choice of Lagrangian; 12. On the Role of the Lorenz Condition in the Massless Case; 12.1. Description of Free Massless Vector Fieldswithout the Lorenz Condition; 12.2. Analysis of the Euler-Lagrange Equations; 12.3. Dynamical Variables; 12.4. The Field Equations; 12.5. Discussion; 13. Conclusion; Commutation Relations for Free Fields; 1. Introduction; 2. Lagrangians, Euler-Lagrange Equationsand Dynamical Variables; 3. On the Uniqueness of the Dynamical Variables; 4. Heisenberg Relations.
12. The Field Equations in Terms of Creation andAnnihilation Operators13. The Charge and Orbital Angular MomentumOperators; 14. Commutation Relations; 15. Vacuum and Normal Ordering; 16. State Vectors; 17. Conclusion; Free Spinor Fields; 1. Introduction; 2. Description of Free Spinor Field in Momentum Picture; 3. Analysis of the Dirac Equation(s); 4. Frequency Decompositions; 5. The Dynamical Variables in Terms ofCreation and Annihilation Operators; 6. The Field Equations in Terms of Creation andAnnihilation Operators; 7. Anticommutation Relations; 8. Vacuum and Normal Ordering.
9. State Vectors10. On the Choice of Lagrangian and Its Consequences; 11. Conclusion; Free Vector Fields; 1. Introduction; 2. Description of Free Vector Field in Momentum Picture; 3. Analysis of the Field Equations; 4. Frequency Decompositions andCreation and Annihilation Operators; 5. The Dynamical Variables inTerms of Creation and Annihilation Operators; 6. The Field Equations in Terms of Creation andAnnihilation Operators; 7. Commutation Relations; 8. Vacuum and Normal Ordering; 9. State Vectors and Particle Interpretation; 10. The Massless Case andElectromagnetic Field in Lorenz Gauge.
Lagrangian quantum field theory in momentum picture.