Basil S. Markesinis and Hannes Unberath ; with a foreword by Walter Odersky and Lord Justice Sedley.
4th ed., entirely rev. and updated.
Portland, Or. :
Hart Pub.,
lxii, 1050 pages :
illustrations, maps ;
25 cm
Revised edition of: A comparative introduction to the German law of torts. 3rd. ed. 1994.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Economic loss (legal malpractice) -- "Other rights" (family relationships) -- "Established and operating business" -- The "constitutionalization" of private law -- Personality and privacy rights -- Unlawfulness and fault, Duties of care -- Product liability -- Damage caused "to" the product -- Causation -- Part 3 Liability for others, labour law and stricter forms of liability -- Section A. Commentary -- SS 831 and 278 BGB -- The escape into contract -- SS 278 BGB -- Liability regimes in labour law, miscellaneous matters -- Other instances of presumed fault or strict liability in the civil code -- Strict liability -- Section B. cases -- SS 831 BGB -- SS 278 BGB (or SS 831 BGB) -- Road traffic act of 19 December 1952 (BGB1.1 837) -- Strict liability act 1978 -- Environmental liability act 1990 -- Consumer legislation and defective products -- Part 4 The remaining provisions of the German civil code and the law of damages -- Section A. commentary -- Two more general clauses, Other headings of tortious liability -- Compensation and satisfaction Section B. cases -- SS 823II BGB -- Liability of statutory bodies (SS 839 BGB) -- Compensation and satisfaction.
Part 1 Introduction -- A bird's-eye view of the organization of the German courts in civil matters -- Style, form and content of argument in the judgements of the BGH -- The delict provisions of the BGB -- Other relevant provisions of the BGB -- Reform proposals concerning some of the BGB provisions -- The BGB-reform in force as of 1 January 2002 -- Some preliminary observations on the BGB in general and the delict provisions in particular -- The constitutionalization of private law -- The Human Rights provisions of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany of 8 May 1949 (as subsequently amended) -- Amending the code -- Bibliographical survey -- Part 2 Liability under SS 823 1 BGB -- Section A. Commentary -- Introductory remarks -- The rights and interests protected by SS 823 1 BGB -- Unlawfulness and fault -- The duties of care -- Causation -- Section B. Cases -- Nervous shock -- Pre-natal injuries -- "Wrongful life" and "wrongful birth" -- Unwanted pregnancies -- Economic loss (cable cases) -- Economic loss (loss of use, other possible headings) -- Economic loss (negligent statements).