aForeword -- bForeword (from 2nd e) -- cForeword (from 1st e) -- dPreface/Acknowledge -- 1Epidemiology of Trauma -- 2Tr Systems/Resources -- 3Trauma Systems QI -- 4ATLS -- 5Trauma Scoring -- 6Mech of Injury/Ballistics -- 7Weapons of Mass Effect/Disaster Preparation -- 8Initial Assessment -- 9Shock (and Hypothermia) -- 10Transfusion Therapy -- 11Diagnostic Modalities in ED -- 12Ultrasound in Trauma -- 13Catheters and Tubes -- 14Damage Control in Trauma -- 15Neurologic Trauma -- 16Soft Tissue--Face -- 17Upper Facial Skeleton -- 18Maxillary, Midfacial and Mandibular Fractures -- 19Opthalmic Injuries -- 20Neck Injuries -- 21Thoracic Trauma -- 22Diaphragm Injuries -- 23Esophageal Trauma -- 24Gastric Trauma -- 25Pancreas/Duodenum -- 26Small Bowel Trauma -- 27Liver/Biliary Tract -- 28Splenic Trauma -- 29Colon/Rectal Trauma -- 30Renal -- 31Radiological Diag of Lower Urinary Tract injuries -- 32Genital/Perineal Trauma -- 33Extremity Vascular Trauma -- 34Abdominal Vascular Injury -- 35Thermal, Chemical and Cold Injuries -- 36Principles of Treatment of Fractures and Dislocation -- 37Complications of Musculoskeletal Trauma -- 38Fractures of Pelvis and Acetabulum -- 39Fractures snd Dislocations of Les -- 40Knee Ligament Injuries -- 41Foot and Ankle Injuries -- 42Upper Extremity Fractures and Dislocations -- 43Hand Injuries and Infections -- 44Fractures in Children -- 45Bites and Stings -- 46Trauma in Pregnant Patient -- 47Pediatric Trauma -- 48Geriatric Trauma -- 49Anesthesia for the Trauma Patient -- 50Cardiovascular Support in the ICU -- 51Bedside Procedures in the Surgical ICU -- 52Pulmonary Disorders -- 53Disorders of Temperature Regulation -- 54Disorders of Acid-Base, Fluid and Electrolytes -- 55Infection in SICU -- 56Metabolism and Nutrition -- 57Management of Organ Donor.
Whether you are a physician or surgeon with only occasional trauma duties, a resident rotating in trauma, or part of a full-time trauma team, this handbook will help keep your procedures and practices in line with the latest evidence-based guidelines. Included is current information for alternative airway management, ultrasound in the trauma setting, laparoscopic surgery in trauma, terrorism preparedness, damage control, the trauma systems quality improvement process, bedside procedures in the surgical intensive care unit, massive transfusion protocol, diagnosis of blunt cervical vascular injury, and much more. Presents an evidence- and experience-based guide to the evaluation and initial management of the trauma patient. Provides a comprehensive but concise trauma reference you can carry in your pocket. Consists of information direct from the residents on the frontlines at Parkland Memorial Hospital.