Title Page; Copyright Page; Contents at a Glance; Table of c ontents; About the Authors; About the Technical Reviewer; Acknowledgments; Introduction; Part I Innovating Beyond Apple's Design Standards, While Maintaining Apple's Logic for Consistency, Clarity, and Usability; Chapter 1 Tweetie; Chapter 2 Facebook; Part II Using App Connectivity with Core Location to Make Games Social; Chapter 3 Topple 2; Chapter 4 Q & A: Foursquare; Part III Using Compression to Cram More Data into a Local App-Large Images, Geo Data, and Lots of It; Chapter 5 AccuTerra; Chapter 6 Q & A: Exit Strategy NYC.
This book profiles developers who have received the prestigious Apple Design Award for iPhone app excellence. You'll learn all about what makes these apps truly standout, including explanations of great user interface design and implementation, as well as the code under the hood that makes these the most responsive, intuitive, useful, and just plain fun apps running on the iPhone. * Insightful profiles of the developers behind Tweetie, Topple 2, AccuTerra, Postage, and Wooden Labyrinth 3D* Detailed explanations of the technical wizardry that makes these apps tick* Full-color screenshots and co.
IPhone design award-winning projects.
iPhone (Smartphone)
iPhone (Smartphone)-- Design.
User interfaces (Computer systems)-- Design.
COMPUTERS-- Hardware-- Personal Computers-- General.