Preface: A Note on Personal Resilience; Part One: Why Resilience Now?; Chapter 1: The Newly Fallen World Rising: Resilience Reform; Chapter 2: Fallen Eagles: Bet on Resilience, Not on Strategy; Chapter 3: Parts More Resilient than the Whole; Part Two: Step 1. Managing the Consequences of Past Performance; Chapter 4: Performance Traps; Chapter 5: Case Study: Innovation Trauma and Resilience; Part Three: Step 2. Building Resilience into the Organization; Chapter 6: Why Leadership Matters, but It Is Not Sufficient.
Chapter 12: Postcard No. 2 from Hanover, New Hampshire: "We Want Our Country Back!"-The Emergence and Resilience of Open OrganizingChapter 13: Postcard No. 3 from San Jose, California: Tempered Radicalism and Management Practices That Stick; Chapter 14: Postcard No. 4 from Woodside, California: The Challenge of Inventive Experimentation to Management Research-Or, Who Is Responsible for Developing New Management Practice?; Conclusion: Bridging the Resilience Gap; Endnotes; References; Index; A; B; C; D; E; F; G; H; I; J; K; L; M; N; O; P; Q; R; S; T; U; V; W; Y; Z.
Chapter 7: Resourceful, Robust, and Adaptive: The Building Blocks of Organizational ResilienceChapter 8: Sisu: Resilience as Inner Strength; Chapter 9: Case Study: Resilience in Action-Building Reservoirs for Change; Chapter 10: Case Study: Imaginative Thinking in Action-The Case of the ODDsters at AT Part Four: Step 3. Rehearsing a Culture of Resilience; Chapter 11: Postcard No. 1 from the Silicon Valley, California: For the Love of It!-The Resilience of Amateurs.
Showing you how to be smart about success and failure; this guide offers field-tested forward-focused tools that will help you create a culture of resilience in your organization; so you'll be prepared for any challenge the future might hold. --
OverDrive, Inc.
Resilient organization.
Crisis management, Case studies.
Crisis management.
Organizational change, Case studies.
Organizational change.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS-- Corporate Governance.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS-- Organizational Development.