Includes bibliographical references (pages 217-224) and index.
1. Whom to Believe? -- 2. Family, Early Career, and Start in Politics. Family Background. Early Career. Aeschines' Entry into Politics -- 3. Getting to Know Philip. Athens and Macedon to 348. The Decision to Begin Negotiations with Philip. The First Embassy -- 4. Peace at Last. The First Embassy Returns to Athens. The Meetings of the Assembly on Elaphebolion 18, 19, and 25 -- 5. The End of the Third Sacred War. The Second Embassy. The Meeting of the Council after the Return of the Second Embassy and the Meeting of the Assembly on Skirophorion 16. The Surrender of Phocis. The Prosecution of Timarchus -- 6. Entre Deux Guerres -- 7. Decline and Exit. From the Siege of Byzantium to the Defeat at Chaeronea. Waiting for the Final Performance -- 8. Conclusion -- App. 1: Was Aeschines Ever an Associate of Aristophon? -- App. 2: The Chronology of the Olynthus Campaigns and Philip's Peace Offers -- App. 3: Athenian Embassies to the Greeks Between 348 and 346 -- App. 4. When did the Spondophoroi Report the Phocian Refusal? -- App. 5. The Thracian Fortresses -- App. 6. The Date of Philocrates' Speech in Favor of Peace with Philip -- App. 7. Aeschines and the Third Embassy -- App. 8. The Chronology of Events from 344 to 340 -- App. 9. The Legal Grounds for Aeschines' Objection to Antiphon's Arrest -- App. 10. Two Recent Views of Aeschines' Prosecution of Ctesiphon in 330 -- App. 11. Philip's Relationship with the Thessalians.
* The first full-length study of the Athenian politician Aeschines Though often overshadowed by his famous rival Demosthenes, Aeschines plays a major role in the decisive events that marked the rise of Macedonian power in Greece and thus marked the transition from the Classical to the Hellenistic period.
Aeschines and Athenian politics.
Philip, II,382 B.C.-336 B.C.
Philippe, II,382-336 av. J.-C.
Démosthène,(0384-0322 av. J.-C.)-- Thèses et écrits académiques.
Eschine,(0389-0314? av. J.-C.)-- Thèses et écrits académiques.
Philip, II,382 B.C.-336 B.C.
Philippe, II, 0382?-0336 av. J.-C.)-- Thèses et écrits académiques.
Democracy-- History.
Démocratie-- Histoire.
Démocratie-- Grèce-- Athènes (Grèce)-- Thèses et écrits académiques.