1. for they had things to say -- evening class, 20 years later -- the snow of Italy -- near a plate glass window -- beef tongue -- the 1930s -- people as flowers -- acceptance -- life at the P.O. -- the minute -- too near the slaughterhouse -- a future congressman -- stranger in a strange city -- just another wino -- it is not much -- the bull -- the people, no -- you might as well kiss your ass goodbye -- purple glow -- one thousand dollars -- grip the dark -- the dwarf with a punch -- the elephants of Vietnam -- breakfast -- inverted love song -- Salty Dogs -- brainless eyes -- unbelievable -- war and peace -- the harder you try -- 2. all the little girls -- no more of those young men -- legs -- Jane's shoes -- Rimbaud be damned -- bewitched in New York -- don't worry, baby, I'll get it -- the telephone message machine -- that nice girl who came in to change the sheets -- an agreement on Tchaikovsky -- love song to the woman I saw Wednesday at the racetrack -- possession -- six -- man mowing the lawn across the way from me -- the girl outside -- the chicken -- an ancient love -- match point -- I also like to look at ceilings -- no Cagney, me -- soup, cosmos and tears -- peacock or bell -- purple and black -- fulfillment -- yours -- kissing me away -- goodbye, my love -- heat -- the police helicopter -- ah -- of course -- the dream, the dream -- note on the tigress -- 3. poem for my daughter -- sheets -- sick leave -- my father -- the old woman -- what made you lose your inspiration? -- another poem about a drunk and then I'll let you go -- dead dog -- I live in a neighborhood of murder -- the bombing of Berlin -- all right, Camus -- quits -- Adolf -- the anarchists -- perfect white teeth -- 4 blocks -- you can't force your way through the eye of the needle -- two kinds of hell -- my faithful Indian servant -- a plausible finish -- another one of my critics -- fog -- free? -- imported punch -- it was an UNDERWOOD -- the creation coffin -- the 7 horse -- the suicide -- overcast -- the final word -- fingernails; nostrils; shoelaces -- after receiving a contributor's copy -- poor night -- you write many poems about death -- 4. dog -- the hatred for Hemingway -- looking at the cat's balls -- contributors' notes -- on beer cans and sugar cartons -- pay your rent or get out -- note on a door knocker -- the American Flag Shirt -- age -- the dogs bark knives -- the hog in the hedge -- I never bring my wife -- an interview at 70 -- 2 views -- van Gogh and 9 innings -- 9 a.m. -- lousy day -- sadness in the air -- the great debate -- our deep sleep -- the sorry history of myself -- law -- a great writer -- a gigantic thirst -- eulogies -- a residue -- 1990 special -- passage -- a most dark night in April -- sun coming down.
the gas line is leaking, the bird is gone from the cage, the skyline is dotted with vultures; Benny finally got off the stuff and Betty now has a job as a waitress; and the chimney sweep was quite delicate as he giggled up through the soot. I walked miles through the city and recognized nothing as a giant claw ate at my stomach while the inside of my head felt airy as if I was about to go mad. it's not so much that nothing means anything but more that it keeps meaning nothing, there's no release, just gurus and self- appointed gods and hucksters. the more people say, the less there is to say. even the best books are dry sawdust. -from "fingernails; nostrils; shoelaces"