Introduction : difference and convergence in globalization / Q.S. Tong and Douglas Kerr -- pt. I: Knowledge, institutionalization, and globalization. What's real? / Catherine Belsey -- Some notes on a critique of culture / Ronald A.T. Judy -- Race theory on trial under national socialism : the case of Ludwig Ferdinand Clauss / Christopher Hutton -- English studies and global ethics : universalism and the idioms of experience / Eric Clarke -- English and the humanities in China / Wang Shouren and Zhao Wenshu -- Why should the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences continue to exist? / Liu Dong -- The Chinese government's policy on private higher education : 1982-2000 / Zhang Boshu and Wang Guilan -- Reading the West : notes on recent Chinese critiques of Western discourses / Jiang Ningkang -- pt. II: Reviews and translations. The "linguistic turn" in 1990s China and globalization / Chen Jianhua -- Research methods and Chinese humanities at the turn of the century / Zhu Shoutong -- Editors' note -- Will literary study survive the globalization of the university and the new regime of telecommunications? / J. Hillis Miller -- The future of literary theory in the context of globalization (excerpts) / Qian Zhongwen -- Chinese literature in the milieu of "globality" (excerpts) / Wang Yichuan -- Economic globalization and cultural pluralism (excerpts) / Wan Junren -- Chinese studies : a changing field of contention : a debate on Wu Hung's Monumentality in early Chinese art and architecture (excerpts) / Li Ling -- "Re-evaluation of modernity" and modern Chinese literature (excerpts) / Li Yi -- Historical imaginaries of Asia / Wang Hui -- Foreign settlements in Shanghai and fusion of different cultures (excerpts) / Xiong Yuezhi -- Afterword / Paul A. Bové.
This book is a new series in cultural and literary studies jointly published by the Hong Kong University Press and Nanjing University Press. Based in Hong Kong and mainland China, Critical Zone aims to bring together scholars around the world and to improve cross-cultural and cross-regional understanding.