Sustainability and site design : population and demographics ; Anticipated effects of global climate change ; Land use ; Energy ; Water -- Sustainability and the "green' site : Sustainable development ; Green building materials ; Deconstruction ; Sustainable site planning ; Moving to sustainability -- Site data and analysis : Site analysis ; Assessing "fit" ; Environmental concerns ; Brownfields -- Design for communities : Site layout ; Residential site design ; Emerging practices ; Design for security ; Commercial lot layout ; Walls and fences ; Water features ; Plazas and patios -- Design for people : General site design guidelines for pedestrians ; Signage ; Open space requirements ; Bicycle and multiple-use pats ; Seating ; Accommodating an older population ; Design for dogs -- Street and parking design : Traditional street design ; Streets for people ; Street layout and engineering ; Parking area design -- Site grading : Engineering properties of soil ; The balanced site ; Minimizing the impact of site grading ; Site stabilization ; Slope-stability -- Erosion and sediment control -- Infrastructure : Low-impact design ; Storm water management ; Estimating peak runoff with the rational method ; Swales ; Infiltration and recharge ; Detention and retention basins ; Other considerations ; Green roofs ; Gray water systems ; Sanitary sewer -- Landscape restoration : Site planning and landscape ecology ; Restoring landscape ; Streams ; Wetlands ; Erosion damage ; Brownfield redevelopment -- Vegetation in the site plan : Planting design ; Native plants ; Using trees in the landscape ; Tree and shrub planting ; Selecting and planting new trees ; Preservation of trees ; Phytoremediation ; Meadows ; Toxic plants -- Preserving landscapes : Investigation of the historic landscape ; U.S. landscape style: an overview ; Planning ; Land preservation -- Landscape and culture : The use of the land ; Growth controls ; Sustainable development ; Building the postindustrial landscape ; Science and design -- Professional and project management issues : Failure ; The project manager ; Contracting ; Quality assurance in the design process ; Getting paid ; Greening up the design practice ; Dealing with the public -- A. Environmental site assessment : Historical perspective ; Environmental site assessment methods ; Redevelopment strategies -- B.A sample preparedness, prevention, and contingency plan : General site layout and site conditions ; The emergency response plan ; Employee training program ; Emergency equipment and procedures.
Discover how to incorporate sound environmental considerations into traditional site design processes. Written by a licensed landscape architect with more than 20 years of professional experience, this authoritative guide combines established approaches to site planning with sustainable practices and increased environmental sensitivity. Fully revised and updated, Site Planning and Design Handbook, Second Edition discusses the latest standards and protocols-including LEED. The book features expanded coverage of green site design topics such as water conservation, energy efficiency, green building materials, site infrastructure, and brownfield restoration. This comprehensive resource addresses the challenges associated with site planning and design and lays the groundwork for success.