Claws in the moonlight -- Puffling alert! -- Ice dagger -- Circle of white trees -- Firth of fangs -- Retreat of the glauxian brothers -- Flivling and riffles -- Hoke of hock -- Ancient warrior of the firth -- Gragg of Slonk -- Island of dark fowl -- Stuck on a dagger -- Pirates -- Pirates' lair -- Twilla suspects -- Unholy alliance -- Deadly glitter -- Gizzardly matters -- Deep in enemy territory -- Song in the night -- Waiting for when -- Beginning of forever and a day -- Tunnel in the smoke -- Battle of fire and ice -- Scrooms in the night.
After Kludd's death, his mate Nyra is determined that her hatchling, Nyroc, will fulfill his father's destiny of viciously oppressing all of the owl kingdomes, but Nyroc, fed by scraps of forbidden legend and news of a place where goodness and nobility reign, defies his mother and his destiny.
Middle School.
Scholastic Paperbacks, Po Box 7502, Jefferson City, MO, USA, 65102