Cellular origin, life in extreme habitats and astrobiology ;
v. 18
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Proterozoic stromatolites of the Itaiacoca Group, southeast Brazil / W.S. Filho, and T.R. Fairchild -- Meso-Neoproterozoic stromatolites from the Indravati and Chhattisgarh basins, central India / R. Guhey et al. -- Stromatolites and cyanobacterial mats in peritidal evaporitive environments in the Neoproterozoic of Bas-Congo (Democratic Republic of Congo) and south Gabon / A.R. Préat et al.] -- Microbiota and microbial mats within ancient stromatolites in South China / C. Ruiji and Y. Leiming -- Morphological changes in microscopic-megascopic life and stromatolites recorded during late Palaeoproterozoic-Neoprotertozoic transition : the Vindhyan Supergroup, India / P. Srivastava and V.C. Tewari -- Farrel quartzite microfossils in the Goldsworthy greenstone belt, Pilbara Craton, Western Australia / Sugitani et al. -- Ediacaran krol carbonates of the Lesser Himalaya, India : stromatolitic facies, depositional environment and diagenesis / V.C. Tewari and M.E. Tucker -- Aptian to Cenomanian deeper-water hiatal stromatolites from the northern Tethyan margin / K. Föllmi et al. -- Phosphatic microbialites in the Triassic phosphogenic facies of Svalbard / K. Krajewski -- Microbialites in the Middle-Upper Jurassic Ammonitico Rosso of the southern Alps (Italy) / F. Massari and H. Westphal -- Microbialites as markers of biotic and abiotic events in the Karst District, Slovenia and Italy / G. Tunis et al. -- Lower Cretaceous stromatolites in Far East Asia : examples in Japan and Korea / A. Yamamoto et al. -- Modern marine stromatolitic structures : the sediment dilemma / K. Browne -- Are cyanobacterial mats precursors of stromatolites / E. Chacón et al. -- Living stromatolites of Shark Bay, Western Australia : microbial inhabitants / F. Goh -- Character, analysis and preservation of biogenicity in terrestrial siliceous stromatolites from geothermal settings / K. Handley and K.A. Campbell -- Microbial diversity in modern stromatolites / J.S. Foster and S.J. Green -- Microbialites and sediments : a two year record of burial and exposure of stromatolites and thrombolites at Highborne Cay Bahamas / R.P. Reid et al. -- Modern stromatolite ecosystems at alkaline and hypersaline high altitude lakes in the Argentinian Puna / M.E. Farías et al. -- Micro-FTIR spectroscopic imaging of ~1,900 Ma stromatolitic chert / M. Igisu et al. -- Elemental and isotopic analysis by NanoSIMS : insights for the study of stromatolites and early life on earth / M.R. Kilburn and D. Wacey -- Stromatolites, organic walled microorganisms, laser Raman spectroscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy of the Meso-Neoproterozoic Buxa Formation, Ranjit Window, Sikkim Lesser Himalaya, NE India / V.C. Tewari -- Petrology, elemental and isotopic geochemistry, and geomicrobiology of carbonate infillings and biofilms lining cracks below the Neoproterozoic (Sturtian) cap carbonate in the Mirabat inlier, southernmost Oman / M.E. Brookfield et al. -- Cave geomicrobiology in India : status and prospects / S. Baskar et al. -- The role of sulfate reduction in stromatolites and microbial mats : ancient and modern perspectives / J. Dillon -- Carbonate sediments microbially induced by anaerobic oxidation of methane in hydrocarbon seeps / R.G. Jenkins and Y. Hikida -- Biostratigraphy, sedimentation and chemostratigraphy of the Tertiary Neotethys sediments from the NE Himalaya, India / K. Lokho and V.C. Tewari -- Evidence of microbial biomineralization in modern and ancient stromatolites / E. Perri and A. Spadafora -- Possible Fe isotope fractionation during microbiological processing in ancient and modern marine environments / A.R. Préat et al. -- New representations on the nature of stromatolites / E.L. Sumina and D.L. Sumin -- Sulfur isotopes in stromatolites / H. Strauss -- Preservation potential and habitability of clay minerals- and iron-rich environments : novel analogs for the 2011 Mars Science Laboratory mission / R. Bonaccorsi -- The sulfur cycle on the early Earth : implications for the search of life on Europa and elsewhere / J. Chela-Flores and V.C. Tewari -- Summary, conclusions and future prospects / J. Seckbach and V.C. Tewari.
This book provides an overview and latest information about the formation of Stromatolites as a result of interaction of microbes with sediments. Eighty-three expert scientists from twenty-seven countries present the chapters in this volume which have been reviewed by thirty four referees. The volume deals with ancient to modern examples of stromatolites and microorganisms which are observed in various diverse environments, such as: marine, nonmarine, lacustrine and extreme geographical areas covering almost the whole earth. The reviews are original articles written by leading experienced experts, some chapters deal with latest instrumental techniques used for the study of microbes and Stromatolites. Other chapters have been contributed by young researchers who revealed updated data on Stromatolites. The astrobiological implications of early microbiota, sulfur isotopic ratios, microbialites in extreme conditions on earth has opened up new vistas in the search of extraterrestrial life. These chapters on biosedimentological, geomicrobiological, biogeochemical and astrobiological studies are aimed at biologists, under- and graduate geological students, researchers and professional scientists who need latest developments in the field of sedimentology and applied aspects.