Introduction : while you were busy debugging ... -- "Citizen engineer" defined -- How engineering got its paradigm shifted -- Environmental impact : the big picture -- Beyond the black cloud : looking at lifecycles -- A pragmatic approach to lifecycle analysis -- Setting priorities, requirements, and goals -- Energy and emissions -- Chemicals, materials, and waste -- Water and other natural resources -- An example of eco-engineering : Interface, Inc. -- Eco-engineering : the grass is always greener -- Intellectual property law fundamentals -- Open source software : licenses and leverage -- Creativity and control -- Protecting digital rights -- Education of the citizen engineer -- Citizen engineers in action -- Appendix. Lifecycle phase checklists ; Required reading for citizen engineers.
Focuses on two topics that are becoming vitally important in the day-to-day work of engineers: eco engineering and intellectual property (IP). The authors also examine how and why the world of engineering has changed, and provides practical advice to help engineers of all types master the new era and start thinking like citizen engineers. --From publisher description.