Biological ageing -- its relevance to geriatricians -- Social gerontology -- Clinical ageing -- Developing and planning services -- Community geriatric care -- Medical ethics and the law -- Urinary incontinence -- Falls and instability -- Orthogeriatric care -- Palliative care -- Old age psychiatry -- Rehabilitation -- Practical management of stroke -- The management of Parkinson's disease -- Syncope and dizziness -- Gait disorders in the elderly -- When to treat hypertension? (When the benefits outweigh the risks) -- Abdominal aortic aneurysms -- The management of atrial fibrillation -- Asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease -- Tuberculosis -- Respiratory rehabilitation -- Oral health -- Faecal incontinence, soiling and constipation -- Prostate diseases in the elderly man -- Urinary tract infections -- Sexuality and ageing -- Management of osteoporosis -- Painful still shoulder after stroke -- Foot disorders -- Cancer in old age -- Ophthalmology -- Hearing disorders -- Pruritus -- Leg ulcers -- Clinical aspects of pressure sores -- Preventing infections: Clostridium Difficile Infection (CDI), Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) and influenza and pneumococcal bacteraemia -- Nutrition -- Percutaneous endoscopic gastronomy (PEG) feeding -- Education -- All you need to know about management in one chapter -- Preparing for a consultant post -- How to be a successful consultant -- Making the most of information technology (IT) -- Professional issues -- Research and audit -- A specialist bibliography in elderly medicine.
This lively guide to active learning focuses on day-to-day management issues providing practical evidence-based advice on common problems encountered in older people. It also includes topics that may perplex both trainee and experienced physician.