Acknowledgments; Introduction: Manage Your Writing; Be Your Own Communication Department; Writing in a Knowledge Economy; What a Writing Course Can-and Can't-Do; How to Use This Book; "The Discipline of the Craft"; Managing Your Writing Time; The Law of the Next Action; The 12 Steps; Manage Your Writing; Manage Your Writing Today; Chapter 1. Find the "We": Manage Your Relationship with Your Reader; Communication and Community; Personality; Attitude; Circumstances; Knowledge; Manage Your Writing Today; Chapter 2. Make Holes, Not Drills: Manage with Purpose; Death to Subject Lines.
Appendix B: Manage Your Global Writing: The Case of the Belgian FriesAppendix C: Manage Your Speaking; Appendix D: Resources for Managing Your Writing; Index; A; B; C; D; E; F; G; H; I; J; K; L; M; N; O; P; Q; R; S; T; U; V; W; Y; Z.
Ko and Mei CommunicationThe Long and Short of It; The Corporate Communication Grid; Manage Your Writing Today; Chapter 3. Get Your Stuff Together: Manage Your Information; Asking Questions; Outside and Inside; Map Your Information; Manage Your Writing Today; Chapter 4. Get Your Ducks in a Row: Manage Your Structure; An Everyday Example; The Technique of Organizing; Formulas; Writing to Sell; From Information to Knowledge; Manage Your Writing Today; Chapter 5. Do It Wrong the First Time: Manage Your Drafting; Draft as Prototype; Debriefing the Exercise; Overcoming Writer's Block.
Objectivity and Common SenseTwo Tools; Beckwith on Economy; Manage Your Writing Today; Chapter 10. Translate into English: Manage Your Word Choices; Learning from the IRS; Word Histories; Good Reasons Otherwise; Readability Formulas and Style Checkers; Deliberate "Obfuscation"?; Three Examples; Manage Your Writing Today; Chapter 11. Finish the Job: Manage Your Spelling, Punctuation, and Mechanics; Manage your Writing Today; Chapter 12. Manage Your Writing: Evaluate Your Writing Process; Manage Your Writing Today; Appendix A: Manage Your Online Writing.
Writing and "Flow"Manage Your Writing Today; Chapter 6. Take a Break and Change Hats: Manage Your Internal Writer and Editor; Breaking for Objectivity; From Writer-Based to Reader-Based; The Two Hats; Manage Your Writing Today; Chapter 7. Signal Your Turns: Manage Your Paragraphs; Tools for Revision; Turn Signals; Manage Your Writing Today; Chapter 8. Say What You Mean: Manage Your Subjects and Verbs; Hidden Subjects; Hidden Verbs; Hidden Subjects and Verbs; Active or Passive; Modifiers; Manage Your Writing Today; Chapter 9. Pay by the Word: Manage Your Sentence Economy.
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Business writing and communication
business writing and communication
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