Research on the learning and teaching of algebra / Carolyn Kieran -- Numerical thinking / Lieven Verschaffel, Brian Greer, and Joke Torbeyns -- The complexity of learning geometry and measurement / Kay Owens and Lynn Outhred -- Research on children's early mathematical development / Joanne Mulligan and Gerard Vergnaud -- Advanced mathematical thinking / Guershon Harel, Annie Selden, and John Selden -- Proof and proving in mathematics education / Maria Alessandra Mariotti -- Research on visualization in learning and teaching mathematics / Norma Presmeg -- The role and uses of technologies for the teaching of algebra and calculus / Francesca Ferrara, Dave Pratt, and Ornella Robutti -- Teaching and learning geometry with technology / Colette Laborde [and others] -- A thirty-year reflection on constructivism in mathematics education in PME / Jere Confrey and Sibel Kazak -- Socio-cultural research in PME / Stephen Lerman -- The place of equity and social justice in the history of PME / Peter Gates -- Affect and mathematics education / Gilah C. Leder and Helen J. Forgasz -- Mathematics (student) teachers and teacher educators as learners / Salvador Llinares and Konrad Krainer -- Mathematics teachers' knowledge and practices / João Pedro da Ponte and Olive Chapman.
Compilation of the research produced by the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME) since its creation in 1976. The first three sections summarize cognitively-oriented research on learning and teaching specific content areas, transversal areas, and based on technology-rich environments. The fourth section is devoted to the research on social, affective, cultural and cognitive aspects of mathematics education. The fifth section includes two chapters summarizing the PME research on teacher training and professional life of mathematics teachers.
PME 1976-2006
Mathematics-- Study and teaching-- Psychological aspects-- Research.
Mathematics-- Study and teaching-- Psychological aspects.
Mathematics-- Study and teaching-- Research-- History.
Mathematics-- Study and teaching-- Research.
Mathematics-- Study and teaching-- Psychological aspects.
Mathematics-- Study and teaching-- Research.
Mathématiques-- Étude et enseignement-- Aspect psychologique.
Mathématiques-- Étude et enseignement-- Recherche-- Histoire.