Includes bibliographical references (pages B-1-B-2) and index.
Chapter 1: Basic Notions of Logic -- 1.1 Background -- 1.2 Why Study Logic -- 1.3 Sentences, Truth-Values, and Arguments -- 1.4 Deductive Validity and Soundness -- 1.5 Inductive Arguments -- 1.6 Logical Consistency, Truth, Falsity, and Equivalence -- 1.7 Special Cases of Validity -- Chapter 2: Sentential Logic: Symbolization and Syntax -- 2.1 Symbolization and Truth-Functional Connectives -- 2.2 Complex Symbolizations -- 2.3 Non-Truth-Functional Connectives -- 2.4 The Syntax of SL -- Chapter 3: Sentential Logic: Semantic -- 3.1 Truth-Value Assignments and Truth-Tables for Sentences -- 3.2 Truth-Functional Truth, Falsity, and Indeterminacy -- 3.3 Truth-Functional Equivalence -- 3.4 Truth-Functional Consistency -- 3.5 Truth-Functional Entailment and Truth-Functional Validity -- 3.6 Truth-Functional Properties and Truth-Functional Consistency -- Chapter 4: Sentential Logic: Truth-Tree -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 Truth-Tree Rules for Sentences Containing 'tilde', 'wedge', and 'ampersand' -- 4.3 Rules for Sentences Containing 'tilde', 'horseshoe', and 'triple bar' -- 4.4 More Complex Truth-Trees -- 4.5 Using Truth-Trees to Test for Truth-Functional Truth, Falsity, and Indeterminacy -- 4.6 Truth-Functional Equivalence -- 4.7 Truth-Functional Entailment and Truth-Functional Validity -- Chapter 5: Sentential Logic: Derivation -- 5.1 The Derivation System SD -- 5.2 Applying the Derivation Rules of SD -- 5.3 Basic Concepts of SD -- 5.4 Strategies for Constructing Derivations in SD -- 5.5 The Derivation System SD+ -- Chapter 6: Sentential Logic: Metatheory -- 6.1 Mathematical Induction -- 6.2 Truth-Functional Completeness -- 6.3 The Soundness of SD and SD+ -- 6.4 The Completeness of SD and SD+ -- Chapter 7: Predicate Logic: Symbolization and Syntax -- 7.1 Introduction -- 7.2 Predicates, Individual Constants, and Quantity Terms of English -- 7.3 Introduction to PL -- 7.4 Quantifiers Introduced -- 7.5 The Formal Syntax of PL -- 7.6 A-, E-, I-, and O- Sentences -- 7.7 Symbolization Techniques -- 7.8 Multiple Quantifiers with Overlapping Scope -- 7.9 Identify, Definite Descriptions, and Properties of Relations -- Chapter 8: Predicate Logic: Semantic -- 8.1 Informal Semantics for PL -- 8.2 Quantificational Truth, Falsehood, and Indeterminacy -- 8.3 Quantificational Equivalence and Consistency -- 8.4 Quantification Entailment and Validity -- 8.5 Truth-Functional Expansions -- 8.6 Semantics for Predicate Logic with Identity -- 8.7 Formal Semantics of PL and PLI -- Chapter 9: Predicate Logic: Truth-Tree -- 9.1 Expanding the Rules for Truth-Trees -- 9.2 Truth-Trees and Quantificational Consistency -- 9.3 Truth-Trees and Other Semantic Properties -- 9.4 Trees for PLI -- 9.5 Fine-Tuning the Tree Method -- Chapter 10: Predicate Logic: Derivation -- 10.1 The Derivation System PD -- 10.2 Applying the Derivation Rules of PD -- 10.3 Basic Concepts of PD -- 10.4 Strategies for Constructing Derivations in PD -- 10.5 The Derivation System PD+ -- 10.6 PD with Identity -- Chapter 11: Predicate Logic: Metatheory -- 11.1 Semantic Preliminaries for PL -- 11.2 Semantic Preliminaries for PLE -- 11.3 The Soundness of PD, PD+, and PDE -- 11.4 The Completeness of PD, PD+, and PDE -- 11.5 The Soundness of the Tree Method -- 11.6 The Completeness of the Tree Method -- Selected Bibliography -- Index -- Index of Symbols.