Table of Contents; Foreword; Introduction; Chapter One: Why You Need Influence Skills; Chapter Two: Mastering the Two Fundamental Factors of Any Influence Situation; Chapter Three: Learning the Key Behaviors That Drive Influence Success; Chapter Four: Attuning to Personal Communication Styles; Chapter Five: Putting Together a Complete Influence Strategy; Chapter Six: Practice Scenarios for Increasing Your Influence Skills; Chapter Seven: Honing Your Influence Edge by Building Rapport; Wrap-Up; About the Author.
This text teaches the reader the influence skills needed to enlist the co-operation of others, inside and outside the organization, to achieve professional goals. There are tips for successful influence in real business situations, showing how to influence without authority and sell ideas.
OverDrive, Inc.
Teams in the workplace.
Équipes de travail.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS-- Corporate Governance.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS-- Management Science.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS-- Organizational Development.