Approaches to carcinoma in situ (CIS) -- Fluorescence cytoscopy -- Restaging TURBT -- Understaging T2: limitations of pelvic imaging -- MRI endorectal coil -- PET imaging: advances in the detection of locally advanced and nodal disease -- Detection of extravesical disease: a lack of bladder cancer markers -- Identification of nodal metastases: the role of iron oxide enhanced MRI -- Presence and significance of micrometastases -- Perioperative intravesical therapy -- BCG refractory disease -- Beyond BCG: gemcitabine -- Beyond BCG: taxanes -- Extended lymph node dissection -- Prostate capsule sparing cystectomy -- Preservation of reproductive organs in women -- Nerve sparing radical cystectomy -- Quality of care indicators for radical cystectomy -- Continent diversion: QOL of orthotopic diversion vs. ileal conduit -- Voiding dysfunction after orthotopic diversion -- Overcoming the stigma of complications of continent cutaneous diversion -- Neoadjuvant chemotherapy: the new standard -- Adjuvant chemotherapy in bladder cancer: a good concept but where's the proof? -- Beyond MVAC: new and improved chemotherapeutics -- The role of microarray technologies in bladder cancer management -- Molecular pathogenesis of urothelial carcinoma and the development of novel therapeutic strategies -- Tools for study: national databanking -- Vaccine development -- Advances in gene therapy for bladder cancer.
Offers insights into the obstacles of improved survival and discusses methods to advance the field of Bladder Cancer care. This book discusses the state of bladder cancer staging and the optimal treatment for localized disease. It is suitable for urologists and medical oncologists who wish to offer their patients with the most comprehensive care.