Ch. 1. Inhalation risk assessment at the Environmental Protection Agency / John E. Whalan, Gary L. Foureman and John J. Vandenberg -- Ch. 2. The development and application of acute exposure guideline levels for hazardous substances / George M. Rusch -- Ch. 3. Emergency response planning guidelines (ERPGs) / Finis Cavender -- Ch. 4. Directed-flow aerosol inhalation exposure systems : applications to pathogens and highly toxic agents / Rudolph J. Jaeger, Susan G. Shami and Liana Tsenova -- Ch. 5. Low-level effects of VX vapor exposure on pupil size and cholinesterase levels in rats / Bernard J. Benton, Douglas R. Sommerville, J. Steven Anthony, Ronald B. Crosier, Edward M. Jakubowski, Christopher E. Whelley, Paul A. Dabisch, Stanley W. Hulet, Kathy L. Matson, Charles L. Crouse, Robert J. Mioduszewski and Sandra A. Thomson -- Ch. 6. Application of intratracheal instillation exposure to the etiological determination of a pulmonary disease outbreak : nylon flock as an example / Dale W. Porter and Ann F. Hubbs -- Ch. 7. The use of large animals in inhalation toxicology / R.F.R. Brown, B.J.A. Jugg and J. Jenner -- Ch. 8. Toxic load modeling / Douglas R. Sommerville, Kyong H. Park, Michael O. Kierzewski, Michael D. Dunkel, Matthew I. Hutton and Nirmala A. Pinto -- Ch. 9. Inhalation toxicology and carcinogenicity studies of the national toxicology program / Elizabeth K. Weisburger and Vera W. Hudson -- Ch. 10. Toxicology of fire and smoke / Barbara C. Levin and Erica D. Kuligowski -- Ch. 11. Toxicogenomics of low-level nerve agent vapor exposure / Janet Weeks Sekowski -- Ch. 12. Respiratory sensitization / Malcolm Blackwell -- Ch. 13. Peripheral chemosensory irritation with particular reference to respiratory tract exposure / Bryan Ballantyne -- Ch. 14. Role of cytokines in pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis induced by inhaled mineral particles / Francois Huaux -- Ch. 15. Hormesis : implications for risk assessment / Edward J. Calabrese -- Ch. 16. Nasal toxicology / John B. Morris -- Ch. 17. Effects of inhaled toxicants on the nose and nasal function / Pamela Dalton and Richard Opiekum -- Ch. 18. Toxicokinetics : deposition, absorption, distribution, and excretion / Mario A. Inchiosa -- Ch. 19. Mechanistic determinants and modeling of the inhalation pharmacokinetics of volatile organic chemicals / Andy Nong and Kannan Krishnan -- Ch. 20. Inhalation toxicology of an irritant gas -- historical perspectives, current research, and case studies of phosgene exposure / Alfred M. Sciuto -- Ch. 21. Inhalation toxicology of riot control agents / Harry Salem, Bryan Ballantyne and Sidney A. Katz -- Ch. 22. Chemical warfare agents and nuclear weapons / Nabil M. Elsayed and Harry Salem -- Ch. 23. The inhalation toxicology of chromium compounds / Sidney A. Katz, Bryan Ballantyne and Harry Salem -- Ch. 24. Safety assessment of therapeutic agents administered by the respiratory route / Shayne C. Gad -- Ch. 25. Nonclinical pharmacology and safety studies of insulin administered to the respiratory tract / Gregory L. Finch -- Ch. 26. Inhalation toxicology of alcohol/gasoline fuels -- current status / Raymond Poon -- Ch. 27. Asbestos / David M. Bernstein -- Ch. 28. The inhalation toxicity of benzene / Robert Snyder and Marcel Van Raaij -- Ch. 29. Carbon monoxide / James J. McGrath -- Ch. 30. Experimental, clinical, occupational toxicology, and forensic aspects of hydrogen cyanide with particular reference to vapor exposure / Bryan Ballantyne and Harry Salem -- Ch. 31. The pharmacology and toxicology of inhaled dusts, endotoxins, and glucans / Samantha R. Lane, Paul L. Nicholls and Robert D.E. Sewell -- Ch. 32. Fluorocarbon alternatives -- methodologies for special studies and results / Darol E. Dodd and William J. Brock -- Ch. 33. Animal models for three major cigarette-smoke-induced diseases / Raymond R. Schleef, Patrick M. Vanscheevwijck, Walter K. Schlage, Joseph F. Borzelleca, Christopher R.E. Coggins and Hans-Juergen Haussmann -- Ch. 34. The impact of active and passive exposure to cigarette smoke on maternal and fetal health / Sher-Janel T. Todd and Stanley T. Omaye -- Ch. 35. Health aspects of bioaerosols / Kevin P. O'Connell and Harry Salem -- Ch. 36. Emerging biothreats : natural and deliberate / Jessica M. Mann and Nancy D. Connell -- Ch. 37. Toxicology associated with respiratory exposures to fungi (molds) / Marsha D.W. Ward, Yong Joo Chung and MaryJane K. Selgrade -- Ch. 38. Inhalation toxicity of botulinum neurotoxin / Michael Adler -- Ch. 39. Ihalation ricin : aerosol procedures, animal toxicology, and therapy / Robert W. Wannemacher and Jamie B. Anderson -- Ch. 40. Toxicity, mechanisms, prophylaxis, and therapy of inhaled biological toxins / Brian M. Paddle.
Gases, Asphyxiating and poisonous-- Physiological effect.
Gases, Asphyxiating and poisonous-- Toxicity testing.
Air Pollutants-- toxicity.
Inhalation Exposure.
Respiratory System-- drug effects.
Toxicology-- methods.
Gaz asphyxiants et délétères-- Effets physiologiques.
Gaz asphyxiants et délétères.
Gases, Asphyxiating and poisonous-- Physiological effect.
Gases, Asphyxiating and poisonous-- Toxicity testing.