Includes bibliographical references (pages 377-392) and index.
Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me? -- I want to play in the band -- A course for new providence, or the drowning pools of narcissism? -- G.E. loves me -- Al and Dennis in the passing lane -- Foolish Faith and the case of Suzie Cream Cheese -- Question from the chairman: how much do I weigh? -- Stretch role time for Gary and the preacher's daughter -- Fitzy comes out of the closet -- Champagne kisses and caviar dreams -- Jack meets celebrity's dark side -- The shiksa goddess of Wall Street -- Jane Beasley and the spoor of an older man -- Marvin Hamlisch meets the world of six sigma -- CEO in banjo-land -- Big Al goes AWOL -- Ron's next Democrat -- Hugs & kisses and bouts of nostalgia -- Big Al and Ron exit fighting -- Life is a cabarat -- Let's party like it's 1999 -- That pesky neck waddle -- Suzy Hotstuff and the case of Juan Dangeroso -- Sonata for soul mates.
Traces the rise and fall of American celebrity CEOs, placing a particular emphasis on GE head Jack Welch, and discusses how their greed for money, sex, and power ultimately destroyed their images as leaders of American business in the 1990s.
Dunlap, Albert J., (Albert John),1937-2019.
Kozlowski, Dennis.
Perelman, Ronald.
Welch, Jack,1935-2020.
Dunlap, Albert J., (Albert John),1937-2019
Kozlowski, Dennis.
Perelman, Ronald.
Welch, Jack,1935-2020
Chief executive officers-- United States, Case studies.