Cover -- Contents -- Preface to the first edition -- Preface to the second edition -- Abbreviations -- A: Mechanisms of immunity -- A.1 Hematopoiesis, including lymphocyte development and maturation -- Introduction: acquisition of specificity -- Hematopoiesis -- T and B lymphocytes: common origin from hematopoietic stem cells -- Specificity: rearrangement of genes encoding antigen receptors -- T lymphocyte maturation in the thymus -- B lymphocyte development in the bone marrow -- Mature T and B lymphocytes: tolerance -- T and B lymphocyte development and maturation: relevance for immunopharmacology -- Summary -- Selected readings -- Recommended website -- References -- A.2 T cell-mediated immunity -- Introduction -- Biology of the T lymphocyte immune response -- Composition of the T cell network -- T cell subset markers -- Effectors of T cell-mediated immunity -- Mechanisms of T cell-mediated cytotoxicity -- Mechanisms of T cell activation -- Tolerance -- Summary -- Selected readings -- A.3 Antibody diversity and B cell-mediated immunity -- Antibodies and immunoglobulins -- Structure of immunoglobulins -- The generation of antibody diversity -- B cell receptor and signal transduction -- B lymphocyte costimulation -- Cytokine regulation -- T cell-independent B lymphocyte activation -- Primary and secondary antibody response -- Biological functions of antibodies -- Clinical relevance and future prospects -- Summary -- Selected readings -- Recommended websites -- References -- A.4 Cytokines -- Introduction -- Differentiation factors -- Activation and growth factors of lymphocytes -- Mediators of inflammation -- Regulatory factors of immune reactions -- Chemokines -- Inhibition of cytokines -- Summary and outlook -- Selected readings -- Recommended website -- References -- A.5 Innate immunity -- phagocytes, natural killer cells and the complement system -- Phagocytes -- Natural killer cells -- The complement system -- Summary -- Selected readings -- References -- A.6 Inflammatory mediators and intracellular signalling -- Introduction -- Eicosanoids -- Platelet-activating factor (PAF) -- Toll-like receptors -- Cytokines -- Chemokines and their intracellular signalling -- Neuropeptides -- Kinins -- Nitric oxide -- Reactive oxygen species -- Amines -- Summary -- Selected readings -- References -- A.7 Immune response in human pathology: infections caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites -- Infections -- Natural resistance -- Specific resistance -- Defence against bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites -- Pathogenesis of shock -- Human immunodeficiency virus infection -- Vaccines and vaccination -- Infections in the new millennium -- Summary -- Acknowledgements -- Selected readings -- Recommended websites -- A.8 Immune response in human pathology: hypersensitivity and.
This single volume represents an additional text for students who require background information on the immune response, its diagnosis and its modification by drugs and chemicals. The first section of the book, providing a basic introduction to immunology and its relevance for human disease, has been updated to accommodate new immunological concepts. The second section on immunodiagnostics has been further expanded to describe widely used molecular techniques and is followed by a systematic coverage of drugs affecting the immune system, revised to cover recent developments. The book concludes with a chapter on immunotoxicology. This second edition, thus, continues the unique format, dealing with four related topics in a single volume, obviating the need to refer to several different textbooks. New aids to readers include a two-column format, glossaries of technical terms and an appendix of reference tables. The emphasis on illustrations from the first edition is maintained. The book, written by international experts, is suitable as a course textbook for students of various biomedical, chemical and pharmaceutical sciences and as a supporting text for medical and postgraduate students.