Pyroclastic density currents and the sedimentation of ignimbrites /
Michael J. Branney & Peter Kokelaar.
London :
Geological Society,
143 pages :
illustrations ;
31 cm
Geological Society memoir,
no. 27
0435-4052 ;
Includes bibliographical references (pages 127-136) and index.
Sustainable groundwater development / K.M. Hiscock, M.O. Rivett and R.M. Davison -- Is the water still hot? Sustainability and the thermal springs at Bath, England / T.C. Atkinson and R.M. Davison -- Geophysical investigations of the thermal springs of Bath, England / C. McCann, A.C. Mann, D.M. McCann and G.A. Kellaway -- Groundwater resource management in eastern England: a quest for environmentally sustainable development / D.B. Burgess -- Institutional development for sustainable groundwater management -- an Arabian perspective / M.E. Young -- Who needs sustainability? / M. Price -- Incorporation of groundwater modelling in the sustainable management of groundwater resources / P. Hulme, S. Fletcher and L. Brown -- Groundwater sustainability and water resources planning for the East Midlands Resource Zone / M. Hudson -- The High Plains Aquifer, USA: groundwater development and sustainability / K.F. Dennehy, D.W. Litke and P.B. McMahon -- Sustainable groundwater resources in a hard-rock island aquifer -- the Channel Island of Guernsey / N.S. Robins, K.J. Griffiths, P.D. Merrin and W.G. Darling -- Sustainable groundwater development in arid, high Andean basins / M. Anderson, R. Low and S. Foot -- Constraints on sustainable development of arsenic-bearing aquifers in southern Bangladesh. Part 1: A conceptual model of arsenic in the aquifer / W.G. Burgess, M. Burren, J. Perrin and K.M. Ahmed -- Constraints on sustainable development of arsenic-bearing aquifers in southern Bangladesh. Part 2: Preliminary models of arsenic variability in pumped groundwater / M.O. Cuthbert, W.G. Burgess and L. Connell -- Groundwater quality in the Valigamam region of the Jaffna Penisula, Sri Lanka / L. Rajasooriyar, V. Mathavan, H.A. Dharmagunawardhane and V. Nandakumar -- Will reductions in groundwater abstractions improve low river flows? / K.R. Rushton -- Assessing the impact of groundwater abstractions on river flows / S. Kirk and A.W. Herbert -- Determination of hydraulic boundary conditions for the interaction between surface water and groundwater / W. Macheleidt, W. Nestler and T. Grischek -- Direct assessment of groundwater vulnerability from borehole observations / F. Worrall -- A simple analytical solution for unsaturated solute migration under dynamic water movement conditions and root zone effects / L.D. Connell -- A probabilistic management system to optimize the use of urban groundwater / R.M. Davison, P. Prabnarong, J.J. Whittaker and D.N. Lerner -- Groundwater pollution at a pulp and paper mill at Sjasstroj near Lake Ladoga, Russia / D. Schoenheinz, T. Grischek, E. Worch, V. Bereznoy, I. Gutkin, A. Shebesta, K. Hiscock, W. Macheleidt and W. Nestler -- Hydrocarbon contamination of groundwater at Ploiesti, Romania / M.A. Albu, L.M. Morris, H. Nash and M.O. Rivett -- Assessments of the sensitivity to climate change of flow and natural water quality in four major carbonate aquifers of Europe / P.L. Younger, G. Teutsch, E. Custodio, T. Elliot, M. Manzano and M. Sauter -- Simulation of the impacts of climate change on groundwater resources in eastern England / I. Yusoff, K.M. Hiscock and D. Conway.