Non-marine Permian biostratigraphy and biochronology: an introduction / S.G. Lucas, J.W. Schneider and G. Cassinis -- The magnetic polarity time scale across the Permian-Triassic boundary / M.B. Steiner -- Two remarkable Permian petrified forests: correlation, comparison and significance / R. Rössler -- Global Permian tetrapod biostratigraphy and biochronology / S.G. Lucas -- Permo-Carboniferous climate: early Pennsylvanian to Late Permian climate development of central Europe in a regional and global context / M. Roscher and J.W. Schneider -- Permian tetrapod ichnofacies / A.P. Hunt and S.G. Lucas -- Tetrapod footprint ichno-associations from French Permian basins. Comparisons with other Euramerican ichnofaunas / G. Gand and M. Durand -- Permian tetrapod footprints: biostratigraphy and biochronology -- Amphibian biostratigraphy of the European Permo-Carboniferous / R. Werneburg and J.W. Schneider -- Carboniferous-Permian actinopterygian fishes of the continental basins of the Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic: an overview / S. Štamberg -- Permian to Triassic sequences from selected continental areas of southwestern Europe / C. Virgili, G. Cassinis and J. Broutin -- Late Permian to Early Triassic transition in central and NE Spain: biotic and sedimentary characteristics / A. Arche and J. López-Gómez -- The porblem of the transition from the Permian to the Triassic Series in southeastern France: comparison with othe Perithethyan regions / M. Durand -- New continental Carboniferous and Permian faunas of Morocco: implications for biostratigraphy, palaeobiogeography and palaeoclimate / D. Hmich [and others] -- Insect biostratigraphy of the Euramerican continental Late Pennsylvanian and Early Permian / J.W. Schneider and R. Werneburg.