Includes bibliographical references (pages 231-238) and index.
The image-thinking of ancient people, East and West -- The four archai and the human soul -- A comparison with the image-thinking in ancient India -- The Chinese view of nature based on Qi-energy -- The study of "that which is above form" and metaphysics -- Logic and being: "what is" and "that it is" -- The passive understanding of "being" -- The eternal and the changing -- The future-direction of ethics and physics -- Image-thinking and the understanding of "being": the psychological basis of linguistic expression -- Chinese, Japanese, and Western expressions for "being" -- The characteristics of expressions in the Chinese language -- The relation between logic and psychology in the linguistic expressions of the Chinese and Western languages -- Logic and lived experience -- The cognition and intuition of living nature -- What is synchronicity? -- The overlap between the world of spirit and the world of objects -- Divination of the Yìjng and its worldview -- Parapsychology and its meaning -- Synchronicity and contemporary physics -- Nature's psychoid nature -- Synchronicity and the movement of new age science -- Life and space-time: synchronicity and the psychology of the Yìjng -- The divination of the Yìjng and the mind-body relation -- The Yìjng's theory of time -- The theory of time and the view of nature -- The traditional views of nature of the East and the West: are space and time separable? -- Space and the energy immanent in time -- Synchronicity and spiritualism -- The birth of the theory of synchronicity -- A reexamination of the parapsychological disputes -- "Meaningful coincidence" and human life -- Space-time and mind-body integration: the resurrection of teleology -- Contemporary science and Eastern thought -- Einstein and Bergson -- Is time an illusion? -- Ripening time -- Synchronicity and the collective unconscious -- What is present: the problem of measurement -- Methodological reflections on science -- Physics and metaphysics.