NATO security through science series. Series B, Physics and biophysics ;
vol. 1
"Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Defense against Bioterror: Detection technologies, implementation strategies and commercial opportunities, Madrid, Spain, 8-11 April 2004"--Title page verso.
"Published in cooperation with NATO Public Diplomacy Division."
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Strategic actionable net-centric biological defense system integrated / S. Kornguth -- Natural toxins: the past and the present / E. Grishin -- Biological weapons inspections: the Iraq experience / E.B. Myhre -- Integrated, secure and sustainable disease surveillance system in Uzbekistan: aspects of laboratory research networks / F.T. Adilova -- A network-ready, broad spectrum, environmental pathogen detection system / F.P. Milanovich, J. Dzenitis, B.J. Hindson, A.J. Makarewicz, M.T. McBride, and B.W. Colston -- Concept design of anautonomous biological agent detector system (Abads) / R. Barton, R. Collins, and R. Starnes -- Role of prototype system demonstrations in the development of detection-based WMD defenses / L. Brandt -- Validation testing for biological threat organisms / T.L. Hadfield -- Development of bioaerosol alarming detector / A.V. Wuijckhuijse, C. Kientz, B.V. Baar, O. Kievit, R. Busker, M. Stowers, W. Kleefsman and J. Marijnissen -- Biodetection using micro-physiometry tools based on electrokinetic phenomena / R. Pethig -- Electro-optical technique for detection and identification of biological agents / Victor Bunin -- Detection of microbial cells with electrooptical analysis / O.V. Ignatov, O.I. Guliy, V.D. Bunin, A.G. Voloshin, D. O'Neil, and D. Ivnitski -- Recent advances in electrochemical and photochemical transduction strategies for immunosensors based on electropolymerized films / S. Cosnier -- Technological platforms based on micro/nanobiosensors as early warning systems for biological warfare / L.M. Lechuga, J. Tamayo, A. Calle, M. Calleja and C. Dominquez -- Catalytic beacons for the detection of DNA and telomerase activity / Y. Xiao, V. Pavlov, T. Niazov, A. Dishon, M. Kotler and I. Willner -- Critical elements of biological sensor technology for deployment in an environmental network system / D. Ivnitski, D. Morrison and D.J. O'Neil -- Electrochemical immunosensor for detection of Francisella tularensis / P. Skladal, Y. Symerska, M. Pohanka, B. Safar, and A. Macel -- Biosensors and nanotechnological immunochips for the detection and monitoring of chemical and biological agents / S. Varfolomeyev, I. Kurochkin, A. Eremenko, E. Rainina and I. Gachok -- Biosensor for defence against terrorism / M. Mascini and I. Palchetti -- Biosensors and biomimetic sensors for the detection of drugs, toxins and biological agents / A.P.F. Turner and S. Piletsky -- Chemical multi-sensor arrays for liquids monolithic integration using microelectronic technology / A. Bratov and C. Dominguez -- Immunochemical approaches for rapid detection of biologically active compounds / B.B. Dzantiev, A.V. Zherdev, and N.A. Byzova -- Multifunctional liquid-crystalline DNA based biosensing units capable of detecting biologically relevant compounds / Yu. M. Yevdokimov.
A critical assessment of state-of-the-art of emerging ("breakthrough") biosensor technologies that will allow for the rapid identification of biological threat agents in the environment and human population. Identification of directions for future research, and to promote close working relationships between scientists from different countries and with different professional experience. The volume is devoted to a comprehensive overview of the current state of biological weapons threat; challenges confronting biodetection technologies and systems; ongoing research and development; and, future requirements. Biosensor technologies including detection platforms, networked alarm-type biodetector systems, implementation strategies, electro-optical and electrochemical biosensors.
Defense against bioterror.
Bioterrorism-- Prevention.
Emergency management.
Public health surveillance.
Bioterrorism-- prevention & control.
Population Surveillance.
Bioterrorism-- Prevention.
Emergency management.
POLITICAL SCIENCE-- Political Freedom & Security-- Terrorism.
Public health surveillance.
Science des matériaux.
POL-- 037000
Morrison, Dennis.
NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Defense Against Bioterror: Detection Technologies, Implementation Strategies and Commercial Opportunities(2004 :, Madrid, Spain)
North Atlantic Treaty Organization., Public Diplomacy Division.