Introduction -- Part 1: General Concepts In Allergy: -- Questions 1-6 introduce important basic information about allergies, such as: What are the allergic diseases, and how common are they? -- What has caused the recent increase in allergic diseases? -- When do allergies usually come on, and will they go away during adulthood? -- Part 2: Nasal Allergy: -- Questions 7-51 discuss the diagnosis, causes, and treatments for nasal allergies, as well as the relationships between nasal allergies and other conditions: What factors in the environment trigger nasal allergies? -- What are allergy shots, and how effective are they for nasal allergies? -- Do nasal allergies worsen during pregnancy, and how should they be treated? -- Part 3: Food Allergy: -- Questions 52-75 introduce important information regarding food allergies, including common types, causes, and approaches to treatment and prevention: Can chemicals in food cause allergic reactions? -- What is the best test for diagnosing food allergies? -- If I am allergic to peanuts, how careful do I have to be? -- Part 4: Insect Sting Allergy: -- Questions 76-81 discuss the symptoms, causes, treatment, and prevention of insect sting allergies: Which insects can cause insect sting allergy, and what are the symptoms? -- If I have a history of severe bee sting allergy, what should I do the next time I am stung? -- Do allergy shots work for insect allergy? -- Part 5: Drug Allergy: -- Questions 82-88 review symptoms associated with allergic reactions to certain drugs, as well as certain precautions to take when receiving medications: What is a drug allergy, and what are the most common symptoms? -- If I am allergic to penicillin, will I be allergic to other antibiotics? -- Will a skin test tell me if I am allergic to a medication? -- Part 6: Allergic Skin Diseases: -- Questions 89-100 discuss the most important allergic skin diseases, including their causes, symptoms, and treatments: What causes hives? -- What can I do about my child's eczema, other than medications? -- Is it possible to have a skin allergy to sunlight? -- Resources -- Glossary -- Index.
Overview: If you are among the 58 percent of Americans who suffer from allergies, or have a friend or relative who does, this book offers help. 100 Questions & Answers About Allergies provides authoritative, practical answers to the most common questions asked by patients and family members about these common illnesses. This easy-to-read book is a comprehensive guide to understanding symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, over-the-counter therapy, sources of support, and much more. Including personal comments and advice from actual patients, this text is an invaluable resource for anyone coping with the physical and emotional turmoil often caused by allergies.