Contents; What is self-publishing?; What's the difference between vanity publishing and self-publishing?; Why should I self-publish?; How can I choose the right title and subtitle for my book?; What does the process of publishing actually involve?; Structuring the manuscript; Editing the manuscript; Scanning and altering drawings, photographs or diagrams; Typesetting the manuscript; A brief history of typesetting; What are 'giveaway' signs of amateur typesetting?; Adding footnotes and captions; Creating the contents page, index and copyright page; Proofreading the typeset pages for errors.
Designing the front coverHow do I obtain an Isbn and a bar code?; Is a bar code necessary?; How do I set the selling price?; Selling advertising space in your book; Creating a Pdf of the insides and the cover; Are there any legal implications involved in publishing a book?; How do I choose a print run?; How do I choose a printer?; What can a self-publishing company do for me?; What happens if I spot an error in my book after it has been printed?; Should I have a launch party and signing sessions?; How important is it to publicise my book?; How do I get my book reviewed?
How do I go about selling my book?What other ways can I make money from my book, aside; What is online publishing?
Stewart Ferris created the UK's first self-publishing agency in 1993 with Alastair Williams, offering authors all the services and advice they needed to convert their manuscripts into printed books and to get those books selling in the bookshops. In this easy-to-use book he explains everything you need to know to be able to publish and sell your own book, whether in printed form or on-line as an 'eBook'.