Includes bibliographical references (pages 265-279).
pt. 1. Presuppositions: the relationship between church, Eucharist and bishop in the consciousness of the primitive church -- pt. 2. Formation: unity in the divine Eucharist and the bishop, and the formation of the "Catholic Church" -- pt. 3. Developments: the development of the one Eucharist "under the leadership of the bishop" into many Eucharistic assemblies led by priests. The emergence of the parish and its relationship to the unity of the Episcopal diocese.
This book aims to define the relationship connecting the unity of the Church with the Eucharist and the Bishop as it was understood in the consciousness of the early Church. Written as the author's doctoral dissertation in 1965 for the University of Athens, the issues raised in this work are as relevant today as when Zizioulas first presented them. Zizioulas presents an episcopocentric structure of the Church as normative, constituted in the essential role of the bishop as president of the Divine Liturgy and the eucharistic community. This assertion, still novel when Zizioulas first described it, is widely accepted and forms the core concept of "eucharistic ecclesiology." Neverless, Eucharist, Bishop, Church continues to challenge many contemporary notions about the relationship of bishop and presbyter, parish and diocese, and local and universal church. --from back cover.
Enotēs tēs Ekklēsias en te Theia Eucharistia kai to episkopo kata tous treis prōtous aiōnas.
Bishops-- History-- To 1500.
Church-- Unity-- History of doctrines-- Early church, ca. 30-600.
Lord's Supper-- History-- Early church, ca. 30-600.