Background and history : mainline denominations -- Episcopal Church -- Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) (PCUSA) -- Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) -- Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) (CCDC) -- American Baptist Churches in the USA (ABC) -- United Church of Christ (UCC) -- Reformed Church in America (RCA) -- United Methodist Church (UMC) -- Catholic Church -- National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA (NCC) -- Renewal movements -- Mainline Christian denominations and public policy -- Problems, controversies, and solutions -- Sexuality issues within denominations -- Capital punishment -- Embryonic stem-cell research -- End-of-life decisions and the right to die -- Faith-based initiative -- Immigration -- Iraq war -- Abortion -- Values and public policy -- Worldwide perspective -- England -- France -- Germany -- Italy -- Poland -- Sweden -- Chronology -- Biographical sketches -- Daniel Berrigan -- Joan Chittister -- William Sloane Coffin, Jr. -- John Clagget Danforth -- Dorothy Day -- Robert W. (Bob) Edgar -- James A. Forbes, Jr. -- Harry Emerson Fosdick -- Wesley Granberg-Michaelson -- Wilton D. Gregory -- Frank T. Griswold -- Mark S. Hanson -- Katharine Jeffers Schori -- Elizabeth A. Johnson -- Barry W. Lynn -- Roger Michael Mahoney -- Martin E. Marty -- A. Roy Medley -- Reinhold Niebuhr -- Sean Patrick O'Malley -- Norman Vincent Peale -- George F. Regas -- Robert H. Schuller -- Fulton J. Sheen -- John Shelby Spong -- John H. Thomas -- Sharon E. Watkins -- Data and documents -- Data overview of the mainline denominations -- Religious beliefs and policy preferences -- Documents and quotations -- Equality and poverty -- Public schools -- Mainline political engagement -- Sexuality issues -- Immigration -- Faith-based initiative -- Iraq War -- Science -- Abortion -- Embryonic stem-cell research -- End-of-life decisions, the right to die, and euthanasia -- Environment -- Death penalty -- Directory of organizations -- Resources.
Explores the relationship between mainline Christian denominations and U.S. politics and public policy, from colonial times to the present.